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Command Line Interface


Ocean Data Parser command line main interface.




  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --verbose                       Logger format present more information
                                  Logger level used  [default: INFO]
  --log-file PATH                 Log to a file.
                                  Log file level used  [default: INFO]
  --log-file-rotation TEXT        Rotate log file at a given interval. Given
                                  value must be compatible with
  --log-file-retention TEXT       Delete log file after a given time period.
                                  Given value must be compatible with
                                  pandas.TimeDelta (e.g. '1D', '1W'). If None,
                                  file will be kept indefinitely.
  --diagnose / --no-diagnose      Run loguru diagnose on errors, to see all
                                  variable inputs and stacktrace  [default:
  --backtrace / --no-backtrace    Show stacktrace on error  [default:
  --backtrace-limit INTEGER       Limit stacktrace to N lines  [default: 5]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Ocean Data Parser Batch Conversion CLI Interface.


odpy convert [OPTIONS]


  -i, --input-path TEXT         Input path to file list. It can be a glob
                                expression (ex: *.cnv) or a list of paths
                                separated by a colons [:] (linux,mac) and
                                semi-colons [;] (windows).
  --exclude TEXT                Glob expression of files to exclude.
  -p, --parser TEXT             Parser used to parse the data. Default to auto
                                detectection. Use --parser_list to retrieve
                                list of parsers available
  --parser-kwargs TEXT          Parser key word arguments to pass to the
                                parser. Expect a JSON string. (ex:
                                '{"globa_attributes": {"project": "test"}')
  --overwrite                   Overwrite already converted files when source
                                file is changed.
  --multiprocessing INTEGER     Run conversion in parallel on N processors.
                                None == all processors available
  -e, --errors [ignore|raise]   Error hanlding method
  --registry-path PATH          File conversion registry path (*.csv or
                                *.parquet). If --registry_path=None, no
                                registry is used.
  -o, --output-path PATH        Output directory where to save converted
  --output-file-name PATH       Output file path where to save converted
  --output-file-suffix PATH     Output file name suffix to add
  -c, --config PATH             Path to configuration file
  --new-config PATH             Generate a new configuration file at the given
  --parser-list                 Get the list of parsers available
  --show-arguments [stop|True]  Print present argument values. If  stop
                                argument is given, do not run the conversion.
  --version                     Show the version and exit.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.


Inspect NetCDF files variables and variables attributes.


odpy inspect-variables [OPTIONS]


  -i, --input TEXT                Glob expression of input files  [default:
  --exclude TEXT                  Glob expression of files to exclude
  --groupby TEXT                  Comma separated list of attributes to
                                  regroup variables by.  [default: variable,un
  -m, --multiprocessing INTEGER RANGE
                                  Load files in parallele with n processors.
                                  If the option is set as a flag, all the
                                  processors available (=4) will be used.
                                  [default: 1; 1<=x<=4]
  -t, --output-table TEXT         Result table output:  - None =
                                  console(default) - path to csv or
                                  markdown(*.md) file.
  --output-erddap-xml, --xml TEXT
                                  Output an ERDDAP XML blurb or all the
  --show-arguments [stop|True]    Print present argument values. If  stop
                                  argument is given, do not run the
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Environment Variables

All the inputs available within the odpy command can be defined through environment variables: ODPY_*, ODPY_CONVERT_* and ODPY_COMPILE_* respectively.

Example: - ODPY_LOG_LEVEL=WARNING will force odpy to log only the warning events. - ODPY_CONVERT_OUTPUT_PATH=output will force odpy convert to output to the the local directory ./output/


odpy convert can handle a configuration file which also integrates a number of other features. To generate a new configuration, you can use the --new-config flag:

odpy convert --new-config new_config_file_path.yaml

Or copy the following yaml:


name: Batch Conversion Name
input_path: ""  # glob expression of files to convert.
  # It can be a str, a list of os path separator (: for unix, ; for windows)
  # separated list of paths or a list of paths
input_table:  # retrieve files to convert from tables (ignore input_path if set)
  # input_table is used to retrieve files to convert from tables
  # that are listing different glob expressions to retrieve files and associated metadata
  # to append to generated converted files as global attributes (optionnal)
  path: null  # glob expression to retrieve input tables (e.g. 'inputs_tables/*.csv')
  file_column: null  # column use to generate glob expressions used to retrieve source files to parse
  file_column_prefix: ""  # prefix to add to the file_column value
  file_column_suffix: ""  # suffix to add to the file_column value
  add_table_name: false  # retrieve file name and add as table name column
  table_name_column: "table_name"  # column name associated with the file name new column to add table name
  columns_as_attributes: true  # add columns as attributes to the parsed file
  exclude_columns: []  # columns to exclude from the table
exclude: null  # glob expression of files to exclude

parser: null
parser_kwargs: {}

overwrite: false
multiprocessing: 1  # n processes to run [int] or null for all
errors: "ignore"  # raise|ignore
  path: null  # file_registry(.csv | .parquet)

  dsn: Null
  level: INFO
  event_level: WARNING
  traces_sample_rate: 1.0,

# Attributes and Metadata
variable_attributes: {}
global_attributes: {}
file_specific_attributes_path: null  # Path to csv file with one column called "file"
  path: null  # Path to csv file (accept glob parameter for multiple files)
  mapping: null  # mapping dataframe
  by: []  # global attributes list
  log_level: WARNING  # [null, WARNING,ERROR] level log when no mapping exist

# Geospatial References
  path: null
  maximum_distance_from_reference_station_km: null

  path: null

# Transformations
xarray_pipe: []

# QC
ioos_qc: {}
manual_qc: {}

# Outputs
  path: null
  file_name: null
  file_preffix: ""
  file_suffix: ""
  output_format: .nc

summary: null  # Path to save summary file (csv)