
Vocabulary name Users accepted_units accepted_scale accepted_instruments calibration_review apply_function variable_name long_name units instrument scale standard_name sdn_parameter_urn sdn_parameter_name sdn_uom_urn sdn_uom_name definition convention legacy_gf3_code SDN:P01::Alternative Name comments coverage_content_type ioos_category seabird_term
BIO COND BIO mmHo COND Conductance mS COND Conductivity
BIO CNTR BIO,IML,MEDS none ^CNTR_|^Counter|^scan number|^CNTR$ ScanNumber Scan Number 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless CNTR auxiliaryInformation Other
BIO CNTR BIO,IML,MEDS none ^SNCNTR_|Scans per Bin RecPerBin Number of scans per bin 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless CNTR auxiliaryInformation Other
BIO SNCN BIO,IML,MEDS none ^Scan Counter RecPerBin Number of scans per bin 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless CNTR auxiliaryInformation Other
BIO SNCN BIO,IML,MEDS none ^SNCNTR_|Scans per Bin RecPerBin Number of scans per bin 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless CNTR auxiliaryInformation Other
BIO SNCN BIO,IML,MEDS none RecPerBin Number of scans per bin 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless CNTR auxiliaryInformation Other
BIO CRAT none CTD|STD|GUILDLINE|GUILDLN\.*|SBE\s*19|SBE\s*9|SBE\s*37|SBE\s*25|Microcat|Maestro|Concerto|XR\-*620|XR\-*420 42.814*x/10 CNDCST01 Electrical Conductivity S/m sea_water_electrical_conductivity SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD SDN:P06::UECA Siemens per metre CNDC CTDCond Conductivity
BIO CRAT dimensionless|none CRAT_XX Conductivity Ratio 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless CRAT Conductivity Ratio was calculated by using the following equation: CRAT = Conductivity [S/m] * 10.0 / 42.814 physicalMeasurement Other Conductivity
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none ^FC_ CPHLPR01 Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua mg/m^3 Chelsea Technologies Group Aquatracka III fluorometer mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none ^FCUVA_ CDOMZZ01 Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by fluorometry mg/m^3 Chelsea Technologies Group UV Aquatracka fluorometer concentration_of_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water_expressed_as_equivalent_mass_fraction_of_quinine_sulfate_dihydrate SDN:P01::CDOMZZ01 Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by fluorometry SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR CDOM_fluor physicalMeasurement Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorometer, Chelsea UV Aquatracka
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none ^FECO_ CPHLPR01 Fluorometer, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL mg/m^3 Chelsea Technologies Group Aquatracka III fluorometer mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none ^FS_ CPHLPR01 Fluorescence, SeaTech mg/m^3 Seapoint Chlorophyll Fluorometer mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none ^FSP_ CPHLPR01 Fluorescence, Seapoint mg/m^3 Seapoint Chlorophyll Fluorometer mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none ^FCMINI CPHLPR01 Fluorescence, Seapoint mg/m^3 Chelsea Mini Chl Con mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none ^FSPUV_ CDOMZZ01 Fluorescence, Seapoint Ultraviolet mg/m^3 Seapoint Ultraviolet Fluorometer concentration_of_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water_expressed_as_equivalent_mass_fraction_of_quinine_sulfate_dihydrate SDN:P01::CDOMZZ01 Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by fluorometry SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR CDOM_fluor physicalMeasurement Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorometer, Seapoint Ultraviolet
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none ^FWETLABS_|^FWGREEN CPHLPR01 Fluorescence, WET Labs mg/m^3 WETLabs WETStar fluorometer mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none ^WETCDOM_ CDOMZZ01 Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by fluorometry mg/m^3 WETLabs CDOM fluorometer concentration_of_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water_expressed_as_equivalent_mass_fraction_of_quinine_sulfate_dihydrate SDN:P01::CDOMZZ01 Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by fluorometry SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR CDOM_fluor physicalMeasurement Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence, WET Labs CDOM
BIO FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none fluoresdence|fluo|Flourescence|^FLOR(_|$)|Chlorophyl|OVFLOR_1 CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer mg/m^3 mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
BIO IDEN BIO,IML,MEDS none scan number|sample number ScanNumber Scan Number 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless IDEN auxiliaryInformation Other
BIO PSAR BIO,IML,MEDS ueinsteins/s/m^2|micromole per metre square per second|micromoles/m^2/sec|umol photons/m2/s|none IRRDUV01 Photosynthetically Active Radiation uEinsteins/s/m^2 downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water SDN:P01::IRRDUV01 Downwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer SDN:P06::UMES MicroEinsteins per square metre per second PSAR SubsurVPAR physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO SPAR BIO,MEDS ueinsteins/s/m^2|umol photons/m2/s|umol photons/m2/s, logarithmic|none IRRDSV01 Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation uEinsteins/s/m^2 surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water SDN:P01::IRRDSV01 Downwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the atmosphere by cosine-collector radiometer SDN:P06::UMES MicroEinsteins per square metre per second SPAR SurfVPAR physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO ATBE 1/m ATTNZS01 Attenuation (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body by transmissometer 1/m WETLabs C-Star transmissometer SDN:P01::ATTNZR01 Attenuation (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body by transmissometer SDN:P06::UPRM per metre ATBE Atten_red physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO UNKN 1/m CStarAt0 ATTNZS01 Attenuation (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body by transmissometer 1/m WETLabs C-Star transmissometer SDN:P01::ATTNZR01 Attenuation (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body by transmissometer SDN:P06::UPRM per metre ATBE Atten_red physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO UNKN % CStarTr0 OPTCPS01 Transmittance (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body % WET Labs C-Star SDN:P01::OPTCPS01 Transmittance (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body SDN:P06::UPCT Percent TRAN TransmRedLight physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO UNKN none oxsatML/L DOconc_at_sat Oxygen Concentration at Saturation mL/L Other
BIO UNKN umol photons/m2/s par/log IRRDUV01 Photosynthetically Active Radiation uEinsteins/s/m^2 downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water SDN:P01::IRRDUV01 Downwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer SDN:P06::UMES MicroEinsteins per square metre per second PSAR SubsurVPAR physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO UNKN none par|PSAR_01 IRRDUV01 Photosynthetically Active Radiation uEinsteins/s/m^2 downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water SDN:P01::IRRDUV01 Downwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer SDN:P06::UMES MicroEinsteins per square metre per second PSAR SubsurVPAR physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO UNKN BIO,MEDS none spar IRRDSV01 Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation uEinsteins/s/m^2 surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water SDN:P01::IRRDSV01 Downwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the atmosphere by cosine-collector radiometer SDN:P06::UMES MicroEinsteins per square metre per second SPAR SurfVPAR physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO UNKN BIO m^-1/sr turbWETbb0 VSCTXX01 Turbidity of water in the water body m^-1/sr volume_scattering_function_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water SDN:P01::VSCTXXXX Volume scattering of light (unspecified wavelengths) by the water body SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian Turbidity of water in the water body TURW Light_scattering physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
BIO UNKN BIO,IML,MEDS none wetStar|Flor CPHLPR01 Fluorescence, WET Labs mg/m^3 WETLabs WETStar fluorometer mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
BIO UNKN BIO,IML,MEDS none FS_ CPHLPR01 Fluorescence, Sea Tech mg/m^3 mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
BIO UNKN none upoly\d+ physicalMeasurement Other
BIO UNKN BIO,IML,MEDS none oxMm/kg DOXMZZ01 Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit mass of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] umol/kg moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water SDN:P01::DOXMZZ01 Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit mass of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ sensor DOXY DissO2_Mass physicalMeasurement Dissolved O2
BIO UNKN none SEATM|SeaTurbMtr TURBFTUXX Turbidity of water in the water body FTU sea_water_turbidity SDN:P01::TURBXXXX Turbidity of water in the water body SDN:P06::UFNU Formazin Nephelometric Units Turbidity of water in the water body TURB Turbidity physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
BIO UNKN none oxTC OXYTAAOP Temperature of oxygen determination by optode degree_celsius Beckman/YSI temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water SDN:P01::OXYTAAOP Temperature of oxygen determination by optode SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius O2_temp physicalMeasurement Temperature
BIO OBKS none SEATM TURBFTUXX Turbidity of water in the water body FTU sea_water_turbidity SDN:P01::TURBXXXX Turbidity of water in the water body SDN:P06::UFNU Formazin Nephelometric Units Turbidity of water in the water body TURB Turbidity physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
BIO UNKN BIO,IML,MEDS none|kg/m^3 sigma-t00|Sigma-T SIGTEQSTXX Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm kg/m^3 sea_water_sigma_t SDN:P01::SIGTEQST Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm SDN:P06::UKMC Kilograms per cubic metre Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm SIGT Sigma-T physicalMeasurement Other
BIO UNKN BIO,MEDS none ^alt$|ALT_01 AHSFZZ01 Height (spatial coordinate) relative to bed surface in the water body m height_above_sea_floor SDN:P01::AHSFZZ01 Height (spatial coordinate) relative to bed surface in the water body SDN:P06::ULAA Metres ALTB HeightAboveBed coordinate Location Altimeter
BIO TRAN % xmiss|Light Transmission|Transmissivity|OVTRAN_1 OPTCPS01 Transmittance (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body % SDN:P01::OPTCPS01 Transmittance (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body SDN:P06::UPCT Percent TRAN TransmRedLight physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO UNKN %|none xmiss OPTCPS01 Transmittance (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body % SDN:P01::OPTCPS01 Transmittance (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body SDN:P06::UPCT Percent TRAN TransmRedLight physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
BIO UNKN BIO VDC|volts|none SBEOXY Voltage|Oxygen Voltage (pri|sec)|AMT DO (volts)|v\d+ OXYOCPVLXX Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor volts SDN:P01::OXYOCPVL Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor SDN:P06::UVLT Volts Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor OXYV Oxy_output_V physicalMeasurement Other
BIO UNKN BIO none ^t0$ TEMPPR01 Temperature of the water body degree Celsius sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPPR01 Temperature of the water body SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP Temp physicalMeasurement Temperature
BIO UNKN BIO none ^depS$ depth Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body meters depth SDN:P01::ADEPZZ01 Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body SDN:P06::ULAA Metres The distance of a sensor or sampling point below the sea surface DEPH DepBelowSurf coordinate Location
BIO UNKN BIO none ^c0$ CNDCST01 Electrical Conductivity S/m sea_water_electrical_conductivity SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD SDN:P06::UECA Siemens per metre CNDC CTDCond Conductivity
BIO UNKN BIO none ^potemp$ POTMCV01 Potential temperature of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm degree Celsius sea_water_potential_temperature SDN:P01::POTMCV01 Potential temperature of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius POTM WC_Potemp physicalMeasurement Temperature
BIO NONE none|(none) par IRRDUV01 Photosynthetically Active Radiation uEinsteins/s/m^2 downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water SDN:P01::IRRDUV01 Downwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer SDN:P06::UMES MicroEinsteins per square metre per second PSAR SubsurVPAR physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
GF3 UNKN BIO FTU|Formazine Turbidity Unit |none SeaTurbMtr TURBFTUXX Turbidity of water in the water body FTU sea_water_turbidity SDN:P01::TURBXXXX Turbidity of water in the water body SDN:P06::UFNU Formazin Nephelometric Units Turbidity of water in the water body TURB Turbidity physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
GF3 ALKW IML umol/kg bottle|sample ALKYZZXX Total alkalinity per unit volume of the water body umol/kg bottle sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent SDN:P01::ALKYZZXX Total alkalinity per unit volume of the water body SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram ALKW TotAlk physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 ALTB BIO,MEDS m|metre|metres AHSFZZ01 Height (spatial coordinate) relative to bed surface in the water body m height_above_sea_floor SDN:P01::AHSFZZ01 Height (spatial coordinate) relative to bed surface in the water body SDN:P06::ULAA Metres ALTB HeightAboveBed coordinate Location Altimeter
GF3 AMON BIO,IML,MEDS mmol/m^3|millimole per metre cube bottle AMONZZXX Concentration of ammonium {NH4+ CAS 14798-03-9} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] mmol/m^3 bottle SDN:P01::AMONZZXX Concentration of ammonium {NH4+ CAS 14798-03-9} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] SDN:P06::MMCM Millimoles per cubic metre AMON NH4 physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 CDOM BIO,MEDS mg/m^3 CDOMZZ01 Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by fluorometry mg/m^3 concentration_of_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water_expressed_as_equivalent_mass_fraction_of_quinine_sulfate_dihydrate SDN:P01::CDOMZZ01 Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by fluorometry SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by fluorometry CDOM CDOM_fluor physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 CNDC S/m|mhos/m|siemens/m CTD|STD|GUILDLINE|GUILDLN\.*|SBE\s*19|SBE\s*9|SBE\s*37|SBE\s*25|Microcat|Maestro|Concerto|XR\-*620|XR\-*420|Electrical Conductivity CNDCST01 Electrical Conductivity S/m sea_water_electrical_conductivity SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD SDN:P06::UECA Siemens per metre CNDC CTDCond Conductivity
GF3 CNTR BIO,IML,MEDS none ScanNumber Scan Number 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless CNTR auxiliaryInformation Other
GF3 CPHL BIO,IML,MEDS milligram per metre cube|mg/m^3 CPHLZZXX Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] milligram per metre cube mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLZZXX Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] CPHL Chlorophyll-a physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 CRAT BIO,IML,MEDS dimensionless CRAT_XX Conductivity Ratio 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless CRAT physicalMeasurement Other Conductivity
GF3 DENS BIO,IML,MEDS kilogram per metre cube|kg/m^3 DENSWB01 Density of the water body by gravimetry kilogram per metre cube sea_water_density SDN:P01::DENSWB01 Density of the water body by gravimetry SDN:P06::UKMC Kilograms per cubic metre Density of the water body by gravimetry DENS WaterDens physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 DEPH BIO,IML,MEDS metre|metres depth Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body meters depth SDN:P01::ADEPZZ01 Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body SDN:P06::ULAA Metres The distance of a sensor or sampling point below the sea surface DEPH DepBelowSurf coordinate Location
GF3 DOXY BIO,IML,MEDS ml/L|millilitre per litre|ml/l bottle|sample DOXYWITX Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by Winkler titration ml/L Winkler Titration volume_fraction_of_oxygen_in_sea_water SDN:P01::DOXYWITX Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by Winkler titration SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by Winkler titration DOXY WC_dissO2_Winkler physicalMeasurement Dissolved O2
GF3 DOXY BIO,IML,MEDS ml/L|millilitre per litre|ml/l DOXYZZ01 Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ sensor ml/L volume_fraction_of_oxygen_in_sea_water SDN:P01::DOXYZZ01 Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ sensor SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ sensor DOXY WC_dissO2_IS physicalMeasurement Dissolved O2 Oxygen, SBE 43
GF3 DPDT metres/sec|m/s dpdt Lowering Rate m/s platform_heave_rate_down DPDT auxiliaryInformation Other
GF3 FFFF none FFFF_XX Quality Flag: FFFF status_flag FFFF qualityInformation Quality
GF3 LABT IML degree_celsius|Degrees C Lab Temperature degree_celsius SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Lab temperature for pH calculation LABT physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 LATD BIO,IML,MEDS degrees_north|degree|deg|degrees preciseLat Latitude East degrees_north latitude SDN:P01::ALATZZ01 Latitude north SDN:P06::DEGN Degrees north Latitude north LATD Lat coordinate Location
GF3 LOND BIO,IML,MEDS degrees_east|degree|deg|degrees preciseLon Longitude North degrees_east longitude SDN:P01::ALONZZ01 Longitude east SDN:P06::DEGE Degrees east Longitude east LOND Lon coordinate Location
GF3 LPHT IML Total scale PHMASSXX pH (total scale) {pH[T]} of the water body Total scale sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale SDN:P01::PHMASSXX pH (total scale) {pH[T]} of the water body SDN:P06::UUPH pH units LPHT Total_pHmass physicalMeasurement CO2
GF3 NTRI BIO,IML,MEDS mmol/m^3|millimole per metre cube NTRIXXDZ Concentration of nitrite {NO2- CAS 14797-65-0} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate <unknown phase] mmol/m^3 mole_concentration_of_nitrite_in_sea_water SDN:P01::NTRIXXDZ Concentration of nitrite {NO2- CAS 14797-65-0} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate <unknown phase] SDN:P06::MMCM Millimoles per cubic metre Concentration of nitrite {NO2- CAS 14797-65-0} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate <unknown phase] NTRI NO2_Filt physicalMeasurement Nutrients
GF3 NUM none number of scans averaged RecPerBin Number of scans per bin 1 SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless CNTR auxiliaryInformation
GF3 OCUR BIO,IML,MEDS uA|microampere|ua OXYCRWuA01 Raw signal (current) of instrument output by oxygen sensor uA SDN:P01::OXYCRW01 Raw signal (current) of instrument output by oxygen sensor Raw signal (current) of instrument output by oxygen sensor OCUR RawOxyMembCurr physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 OCUR BIO,IML,MEDS mA|milliampere|ma OXYCRWmA01 Raw signal (current) of instrument output by oxygen sensor mA SDN:P01::OXYCRW01 Raw signal (current) of instrument output by oxygen sensor Raw signal (current) of instrument output by oxygen sensor OCUR RawOxyMembCurr physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 OSAT % OXYSZZ01 Oxygen Saturation % fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water SDN:P01::OXYSZZ01 Saturation of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] OSAT O2Sat physicalMeasurement Dissolved O2
GF3 OXV volts|V OXYOCPVLXX Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor volts SDN:P01::OXYOCPVL Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor SDN:P06::UVLT Volts Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor OXV Oxy_output_V physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 OXYV BIO volts|V OXYOCPVLXX Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor volts SDN:P01::OXYOCPVL Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor SDN:P06::UVLT Volts Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor OXYV Oxy_output_V physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 PHA BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3 bottle|sample PHAEZZXX Concentration of phaeopigments {pheopigments} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] mg/m^3 SDN:P01::PHAEZZXX Concentration of phaeopigments {pheopigments} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre Concentration of phaeopigments {pheopigments} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] PHA_ Phae_unspec physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 PHOS BIO,IML,MEDS mmol/m^3|millimole per metre cube PHOSYYDZ Concentration of phosphate {PO43- CAS 14265-44-2} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] mmol/m^3 mole_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water SDN:P01::PHOSYYDZ Concentration of phosphate {PO43- CAS 14265-44-2} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] SDN:P06::MMCM Millimoles per cubic metre Concentration of phosphate {PO43- CAS 14265-44-2} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] PHOS PO4_Unfilt physicalMeasurement Nutrients
GF3 PHPH BIO,IML,MEDS dimensionless PHXXZZXX pH (unspecified scale) of the water body dimensionless sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale SDN:P01::PHXXZZXX pH (unspecified scale) of the water body SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless pH per unit volume of the water body PHPH pH physicalMeasurement CO2
GF3 PHT IML Total scale PHMASSXX pH (total scale) {pH[T]} of the water body Total scale sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale SDN:P01::PHMASSXX pH (total scale) {pH[T]} of the water body SDN:P06::UUPH pH units PHT_ Total_pHmass physicalMeasurement CO2
GF3 POTM BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|IPTS-68, deg C|degrees C|ITS-68, deg C IPTS-68 POTMS601 Potential temperature of the water body by CTD and computation from pressure, salinity and IPTS-68 temperature using UNESCO algorithm degree Celsius IPTS-68 sea_water_potential_temperature SDN:P01::POTMS601 Potential temperature of the water body by CTD and computation from pressure, salinity and IPTS-68 temperature using UNESCO algorithm SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius POTM Potemp_ipts68 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 POTM BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|IPTS-68, deg C|degrees C|ITS-68, deg C|ITS-90, deg C POTMCV01 Potential temperature of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm degree Celsius sea_water_potential_temperature SDN:P01::POTMCV01 Potential temperature of the water body by computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius POTM WC_Potemp physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 PRES BIO,IML,MEDS decibar|decibars|db -1*gsw.z_from_p(x,latitude) depth Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body meters depth SDN:P01::ADEPZZ01 Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body SDN:P06::ULAA Metres The distance of a sensor or sampling point below the sea surface DEPH DepBelowSurf coordinate Location
GF3 PRES BIO,IML,MEDS decibar|decibars|db PRESPR01 Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level decibar sea_water_pressure SDN:P01::PRESPR01 Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level SDN:P06::UPDB Decibars Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level PRES Pres_Z coordinate Location
GF3 PSAL BIO,IML,MEDS 1e-3|psu|PSU|practical salinity unit (PSS-78)||none PSS-78 bottle|sample PSALBSTX Practical salinity of the water body by bench salinometer and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm 1e-3 bottle PSS-78 sea_water_practical_salinity SDN:P01::PSALBSTX Practical salinity of the water body by bench salinometer and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless Practical salinity of the water body PSAL P_sal_salinom physicalMeasurement Salinity
GF3 PSAL BIO,IML,MEDS 1e-3|psu|PSU|practical salinity unit (PSS-78)||none PSS-78 CTD|STD|GUILDLINE|GUILDLN\.*|SBE\s*19|SBE\s*9|SBE\s*37|SBE\s*25|Microcat|Maestro|Concerto|XR\-*620|XR\-*420 PSALST01 Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm 1e-3 CTD PSS-78 sea_water_practical_salinity SDN:P01::PSALST01 Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless Practical salinity of the water body PSAL P_sal_CTD physicalMeasurement Salinity
GF3 PSAL BIO,IML,MEDS 1e-3|psu|PSU|practical salinity unit (PSS-78)||none PSS-78 PSLTZZ01 Practical salinity of the water body 1e-3 PSS-78 sea_water_practical_salinity SDN:P01::PSLTZZ01 Practical salinity of the water body SDN:P06::UUUU Dimensionless Practical salinity of the water body PSAL P_sal physicalMeasurement Salinity
GF3 PSAR BIO,IML,MEDS ueinsteins/s/m^2|micromole per metre square per second|micromoles/m^2/sec|umol photons/m2/s IRRDUV01 Photosynthetically Active Radiation uEinsteins/s/m^2 downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water SDN:P01::IRRDUV01 Downwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer SDN:P06::UMES MicroEinsteins per square metre per second PSAR SubsurVPAR physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
GF3 QCFF none QCFF_XX Quality Flag: QCFF status_flag QCFF qualityInformation Quality
GF3 SECC BIO,IML,MEDS m SECCSDNX Visibility in the water body by Secchi disk m secchi_depth_of_sea_water SDN:P01::SECCSDNX Visibility in the water body by Secchi disk SDN:P06::ULAA Metres Visibility in the water body by Secchi disk SECC Secchi physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
GF3 SIGP BIO,IML,MEDS kg/m^3|kilogram per metre cube|sigma-theta, kg/m^3|sigma-theta, Kg/m^3 SIGTEQ01 Sigma-theta of the water body by computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm kg/m^3 sea_water_sigma_theta SDN:P01::SIGTEQ01 Sigma-theta of the water body by computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm SDN:P06::UKMC Kilograms per cubic metre Sigma-theta of the water body by computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm SIGP SigmaTheta physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 SIGT BIO,IML,MEDS kg/m^3|kilogram per metre cube SIGTEQSTXX Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm kg/m^3 sea_water_sigma_t SDN:P01::SIGTEQST Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm SDN:P06::UKMC Kilograms per cubic metre Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm SIGT Sigma-T physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 SLCA BIO,IML,MEDS mmol/m^3|millimole per metre cube SLCAZZXX Concentration of silicate {SiO44- CAS 17181-37-2} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] mmol/m^3 mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water SDN:P01::SLCAZZXX Concentration of silicate {SiO44- CAS 17181-37-2} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] SDN:P06::MMCM Millimoles per cubic metre Concentration of silicate {SiO44- CAS 17181-37-2} per unit volume of the water body [unknown phase] SLCA SiOx physicalMeasurement Nutrients
GF3 SPAR BIO,MEDS ueinsteins/s/m^2|umol photons/m2/s|umol photons/m2/s, logarithmic IRRDSV01 Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation uEinsteins/s/m^2 surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water SDN:P01::IRRDSV01 Downwelling vector irradiance as photons of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the atmosphere by cosine-collector radiometer SDN:P06::UMES MicroEinsteins per square metre per second SPAR SurfVPAR physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
GF3 SYTM BIO,IML,MEDS UTC|GMT|none measurement_time Exact Measurement Time time SYTM measurement_time coordinate Time
GF3 TE90 BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|deg C|ITS-90, deg C ITS-90 CTD|STD|GUILDLINE|GUILDLN\.*|SBE\s*19|SBE\s*9|SBE\s*37|SBE\s*25|Microcat|Maestro|Concerto|XR\-*620|XR\-*420 TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD degree Celsius CTD ITS-90 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP CTDTmp90 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TE90 BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|deg C|ITS-90, deg C ITS-90 Reverse Thermometer TEMPR901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by reversing thermometer degree Celsius Reverse Thermometer ITS-90 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPR901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by reversing thermometer SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP RTTemp90 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TE90 BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|deg C|ITS-90, deg C ITS-90 TEMPP901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body degree Celsius ITS-90 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPP901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP WC_temp90 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|IPTS-68, deg C|ITS-68, deg C|deg C IPTS-68 CTD|STD|GUILDLINE|GUILDLN\.*|SBE\s*19|SBE\s*9|SBE\s*37|SBE\s*25|Microcat|Maestro|Concerto|XR\-*620|XR\-*420 TEMPS601 Temperature (IPTS-68) of the water body by CTD or STD degree Celsius CTD IPTS-68 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPS601 Temperature (IPTS-68) of the water body by CTD or STD SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP CTDTmp68 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|IPTS-68, deg C|ITS-68, deg C|deg C IPTS-68 Reverse Thermometer TEMPR601 Temperature (IPTS-68) of the water body by reversing thermometer degree Celsius Reverse Thermometer IPTS-68 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPR601 Temperature (IPTS-68) of the water body by reversing thermometer SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP RTTemp68 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|IPTS-68, deg C|ITS-68, deg C|deg C IPTS-68 TEMPP681 Temperature (IPTS-68) of the water body degree Celsius IPTS-68 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPP681 Temperature (IPTS-68) of the water body SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP WC_temp68 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|deg C|ITS-90, deg C ITS-90 CTD|STD|GUILDLINE|GUILDLN\.*|SBE\s*19|SBE\s*9|SBE\s*37|SBE\s*25|Microcat|Maestro|Concerto|XR\-*620|XR\-*420 TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD degree Celsius CTD ITS-90 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP CTDTmp90 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|IPTS-68, deg C|ITS-68, deg C|deg C IPTS-68 CTD|STD|GUILDLINE|GUILDLN\.*|SBE\s*19|SBE\s*9|SBE\s*37|SBE\s*25|Microcat|Maestro|Concerto|XR\-*620|XR\-*420 gsw.t90_from_t68(x) TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD degree Celsius CTD ITS-90 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Unavailable TEMP CTDTmp90 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|deg C|ITS-90, deg C ITS-90 Reverse Thermometer TEMPR901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by reversing thermometer degree Celsius Reverse Thermometer ITS-90 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPR901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by reversing thermometer SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP RTTemp90 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|IPTS-68, deg C|ITS-68, deg C|deg C IPTS-68 Reverse Thermometer gsw.t90_from_t68(x) TEMPR901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by reversing thermometer degree Celsius Reverse Thermometer ITS-90 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPR901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by reversing thermometer SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius TEMP RTTemp90 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|deg C|ITS-90, deg C ITS-90 TEMPP901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body degree Celsius ITS-90 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPP901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP WC_temp90 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|IPTS-68, deg C|ITS-68, deg C|deg C IPTS-68 gsw.t90_from_t68(x) TEMPP901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body degree Celsius ITS-90 sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPP901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body TE90 WC_temp90 physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TEMP BIO,IML,MEDS degree Celsius|degree c|degrees C|IPTS-68, deg C|ITS-68, deg C|deg C TEMPPR01 Temperature of the water body degree Celsius sea_water_temperature SDN:P01::TEMPPR01 Temperature of the water body SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature of the water body TEMP Temp physicalMeasurement Temperature
GF3 TICW IML umol/kg bottle|sample MDMAP010 Concentration of organic carbon {organic_C CAS 7440-44-0} {POC} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] umol/kg bottle mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_in_sea_water SDN:P01::MDMAP010 Concentration of organic carbon {organic_C CAS 7440-44-0} {POC} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram TICW POC physicalMeasurement Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
GF3 TRB MEDS,IML NTU TURBNTUXX Turbidity of water in the water body NTU sea_water_turbidity SDN:P01::TURBXXXX Turbidity of water in the water body SDN:P06::USTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units Estimate of suspended sediment concentration based on the proportion of a light transmission in the water column that is reflected back to a co-located receiver. TRB4 Turbidity physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
GF3 TURB MEDS,IML NTU TURBNTUXX Turbidity of water in the water body NTU sea_water_turbidity SDN:P01::TURBXXXX Turbidity of water in the water body SDN:P06::USTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units Estimate of suspended sediment concentration based on the proportion of a light transmission in the water column that is reflected back to a co-located receiver. TRB4 Turbidity physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
GF3 TURB BIO m^-1/sr WETECOBB|TURW_01 VSCTXX01 Volume scattering of light (unspecified wavelengths) by the water body m^-1/sr volume_scattering_function_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water SDN:P01::VSCTXXXX Volume scattering of light (unspecified wavelengths) by the water body SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian Turbidity of water in the water body TURW Light_scattering physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
GF3 TURB BIO FTU|Formazine Turbidity Unit TURBFTUXX Turbidity of water in the water body FTU sea_water_turbidity SDN:P01::TURBXXXX Turbidity of water in the water body SDN:P06::UFNU Formazin Nephelometric Units Turbidity of water in the water body TURB Turbidity physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
GF3 TURW BIO m^-1/sr WETECOBB|TURW_01 VSCTXX01 Volume scattering of light (unspecified wavelengths) by the water body m^-1/sr volume_scattering_function_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water SDN:P01::VSCTXXXX Volume scattering of light (unspecified wavelengths) by the water body SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian Turbidity of water in the water body TURW Light_scattering physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
GF3 VAIS hertz BV_Freq Brunt Vaisala Frequency Hz VAIS BV_Freq physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 WETECOBB m^-1 sr^-1|m^-1/sr turbWETbb0|WETECOBB VSCTXX01 Volume scattering of light (unspecified wavelengths) by the water body m^-1/sr volume_scattering_function_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water SDN:P01::VSCTXXXX Volume scattering of light (unspecified wavelengths) by the water body SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian Turbidity of water in the water body TURW Light_scattering physicalMeasurement Total Suspended Matter
GF3 GEOP none GEOP_XX 1 GEOP Other
IML NTRA IML mmol/m^3|millimole per metre cube mmol/m^3 mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water NO3 physicalMeasurement Nutrients
GF3 OTMP degrees C|deg C OTMP_XX Temperature of oxygen determination by optode degree Celsius temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water SDN:P01::OXYTAAOP Temperature of oxygen determination by optode SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius OTMP O2_temp physicalMeasurement Temperature
IML SDEV SDEV_XX auxiliaryInformation Other
GF3 SPVO m^3/kg|mg**3/kg SPVO_XX m^3/kg Other
IML UNKN ^v\d+$|^upoly\d+$
IML UNKN (none) ^v\d+$|^upoly\d+$
GF3 SVEL BIO m/s SVELXX01 Sound velocity in the water body m/s speed_of_sound_in_sea_water SDN:P01::SVELXXXX Sound velocity in the water body SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second SVEL SndVel_WC physicalMeasurement Other
GF3 ATTU BIO /m|m-1|1/m ATTNZZ01 Attenuation (unspecified wavelength) per unit length of the water body by transmissometer 1/m volume_beam_attenuation_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water SDN:P01::ATTNZZ01 Attenuation (unspecified wavelength) per unit length of the water body by transmissometer SDN:P06::UPRM per metre ATTU Atten physicalMeasurement Optical Properties
GF3 SPVA BIO,IML m^3/kg SPVA Specific Volume Anomaly m^3/kg
GF3 OPPR BIO,IML none OPPR Oxygen Partial Pressure
GF3 OXYM IML µM OXYM Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] umol/L mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water SDN:P01::DOXYZZXX Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] SDN:P06::UPOX Micromoles per litre Concentration of dissolved oxygen per unit volume of the water column. Oxygen may be expressed in terms of mass, volume or quantity of substance. OXYM WC_dissO2 physicalMeasurement Dissolved O2 dissolved_o2
GF3 PTCH IML degrees PITCH Platform Pitch Angle degrees platform_pitch SDN:P06::UAAA Degrees PTCH coordinate unknown
GF3 ROLL IML degrees ROLL Platform Roll Angle degrees platform_roll SDN:P06::UAAA Degrees ROLL coordinate unknown
GF3 HEAD IML True degrees HEAD Platform Orientation Angle degrees platform_orientation SDN:P01::HEADCMMG Orientation (horizontal) of measurement platform relative to magnetic north {heading} by compass SDN:P06::UABB Degrees True HEAD Avg_Head coordinate unknown
GF3 TILT IML degrees TILT Platform Tilt Angle degrees SDN:P06::UAAA Degrees TILT coordinate unknown
GF3 EWCT IML m/s HCSP East (true) Component of Current m/s eastward_sea_water_velocity SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second EWCT physicalMeasurement currents
GF3 NSCT IML m/s NWCT North true) Component of Current m/s northward_sea_water_velocity SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second NSCT physicalMeasurement currents
GF3 VCSP IML m/s VCSP Vertical Current Speed (positive up) m/s upward_sea_water_velocity SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second VCSP physicalMeasurement currents
GF3 ERRV IML m/s ERRV Error Velocity (ADCP) m/s indicative_error_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second ERRV physicalMeasurement currents
GF3 HCSP IML m/s HCSP Horizontal Current Speed m/s sea_water_speed SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second HCSP physicalMeasurement currents
GF3 HCDM IML degrees Horizontal Current Direction (magnetic) HCDM Horizontal Current Direction (magnetic) degrees (magnetic) HCDM physicalMeasurement currents
MLI CNDC S/m|mhos/m|siemens/m CNDCST01 Electrical Conductivity S/m sea_water_electrical_conductivity SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD SDN:P06::UECA Siemens per metre CNDC CTDCond physicalMeasurement salinity Conductivity
MLI FLOR BIO,IML,MEDS mg/m^3|mg/m**3|milligram per metre cube|ug/L|ug/l|none fluoresdence|fluo|Flourescence|^FLOR(_|$)|Fluorescence|CTD fluorescence CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer mg/m^3 mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre FLOR chl-a_water_ISfluor physicalMeasurement Other
MLI WSPD IML m/s EWSBZZ01 Speed of wind {wind speed} in the atmosphere m/s wind_speed SDN:P01::EWSBZZ01 Speed of wind {wind speed} in the atmosphere SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second Sustained speed of the wind (distance moved per unit time by a parcel of air) parallel to the ground at a given place and time. WSPD WindSpd physicalMeasurement wind
MLI GSPD IML m/s EGTSZZ01 Speed of wind (gust) {wind speed} in the atmosphere m/s wind_speed_of_gust SDN:P01::EGTSZZ01 Speed of wind (gust) {wind speed} in the atmosphere SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second Maximum speed of the wind (distance moved per unit time by a parcel of air) parallel to the ground during a gust event (generally regarded as an increase over sustained speed of more than 5 m/s lasting less than 20 seconds). GSPD GustWindSpd physicalMeasurement wind
MLI WDIR IML degrees EWDAZZ01 Direction (from) of wind relative to True North {wind direction} in the atmosphere degrees wind_from_direction SDN:P01::EWDAZZ01 Direction (from) of wind relative to True North {wind direction} in the atmosphere SDN:P06::UABB Degrees True Direction relative to true north from which the wind is blowing WDIR WindDirFrom physicalMeasurement wind
MLI DRYT IML degrees C CDTASS01 Temperature of the atmosphere by dry bulb thermometer degree_celsius air_temperature SDN:P01::CDTASS01 Temperature of the atmosphere by dry bulb thermometer SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius DRYT AirTemp physicalMeasurement Temperature
MLI RELH IML % CRELZZ01 Relative humidity of the atmosphere % relative_humidity SDN:P01::CRELZZ01 Relative humidity of the atmosphere SDN:P06::UPCT Percent The ratio of the amount of water vapour in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapour that can theoretically be held at the air's temperature RELH Air_humid physicalMeasurement other
MLI ATMP IML hPa CAPHZZ01 Pressure (measured variable) exerted by the atmosphere hPa air_pressure SDN:P01::CAPHZZ01 Pressure (measured variable) exerted by the atmosphere SDN:P06::HPAX Hectopascals ATMP AirPress physicalMeasurement Pressure
MLI ACO2 IML ppm ACO2CV01 Concentration of carbon dioxide {CO2 CAS 124-38-9} per unit volume of cave atmosphere by carbon dioxide probe ppm
MLI PCO2 IML ppm PCO2XXXX Partial pressure of carbon dioxide {CO2 CAS 124-38-9} {pCO2} in the water body ppm partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water SDN:P01::PCO2XXXX Partial pressure of carbon dioxide {CO2 CAS 124-38-9} {pCO2} in the water body SDN:P06::UPPM Parts per million The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in air in equilibrium with a water sample. PCO2 pCO2 physicalMeasurement
MLI VRMS IML m Wave mean height m sea_surface_wave_mean_height SDN:P06::ULAA Metres VRMS
MLI VMXL IML m Wave maximum height m sea_surface_wave_maximum_height SDN:P06::ULAA Metres VMXL
MLI VTCA IML s Wave period s sea_surface_wave_mean_period SDN:P06::UTBB Seconds VTCA
MLI TAXN IML none Taxonomic Name
MLI MODF IML none Additional taxonomic information
MLI TSN IML none Taxonomic Serial Number
MLI BNO7 IML none Best NODC7 number
MLI AUTH IML none Authority
MLI LHIS IML none Life History or Development Stage
MLI TRPH IML none Trophic Descriptor
MLI MNSV IML microns Retention Filter Size microns
MLI MXSV IML microns Larges Sieve Used microns
MLI MNSZ IML microns Minimum size of organisms
MLI MXSZ IML microns Maximum size of organisms
MLI SEX IML none Sex
MLI PHY IML 10^3cells/L Phytoplankton Counts 10^3cells/L
MLI ZOO IML none 'Zooplankton counts'
MLI SPFR IML none Fraction of Sample
MLI WTWT IML g Wet Weight of Organisms g
MLI DRWT IML g Dry Weight of Organisms g
MLI CMNT IML none Comments