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Seabird Scientific data parsers.

This page provides functions for parsing data files in Seabird Scientific format. The Seabird Scientific format is commonly used for oceanographic data collection and is supported by Seabird Scientific.

btl(file_path, encoding='UTF-8', xml_parsing_error_level='ERROR', save_orginal_header=False)

Parse Seabird BTL format.


Name Type Description Default
file_path str

file path

encoding str

Encoding to use. Defaults to "UTF-8".

xml_parsing_error_level str

Error level for XML parsing. Defaults to "ERROR".

save_orginal_header bool

Save original header. Defaults to False.



Type Description

xarray.Dataset: Dataset

Source code in ocean_data_parser/parsers/
def btl(
    file_path: str,
    encoding: str = "UTF-8",
    save_orginal_header: bool = False,
) -> xarray.Dataset:
    """Parse Seabird BTL format.

        file_path (str): file path
        encoding (str, optional): Encoding to use. Defaults to "UTF-8".
        xml_parsing_error_level (str, optional): Error level for XML parsing. Defaults to "ERROR".
        save_orginal_header (bool, optional): Save original header. Defaults to False.

        xarray.Dataset: Dataset
    with open(file_path, encoding=encoding) as f:
        header = _parse_seabird_file_header(
            f, xml_parsing_error_level=xml_parsing_error_level

        # Retrieve variables from bottle header and lower the first letter of each variable
        variable_list = [
            var[0].lower() + var[1:] for var in header["bottle_columns"]
        ] + ["stats"]
        df = pd.read_fwf(
            widths=[10, 12] + [11] * (len(header["bottle_columns"]) - 1),
            dtype={var: var_dtypes.get(var, float) for var in variable_list},

    # Split statistical data info separate dateframes
    df["bottle"] = df["bottle"].ffill().astype(int)
    df["stats"] = df["stats"].str.extract(r"\((.*)\)")
    df = df.set_index("bottle")
    df_grouped = df.query("stats=='avg'")
    for stats in df.query("stats!='avg'")["stats"].drop_duplicates().to_list():
        df_grouped = df_grouped.join(df.query("stats==@stats").add_suffix(f"_{stats}"))
    df = df_grouped

    # Generate time variable
    df["time"] = pd.to_datetime(df.filter(like="date").apply(" ".join, axis="columns"))

    # Ignore extra variables
    drop_columns = [col for col in df if"^date|^stats|^bottle_", col)]
    df = df.drop(columns=drop_columns)

    # Improve metadata

    n_scan_per_bottle = [
        for step in header["processing"]
        if step["module"] == "datcnv"
    if not n_scan_per_bottle:
        logger.warning("Failed to retrieve the number of scans per bottle")
        n_scan_per_bottle = "unknown"
        n_scan_per_bottle = n_scan_per_bottle[0]
    header = _generate_seabird_cf_history(header)

    # Retrieve vocabulary associated with each variables
    header["variables"] = {var: header["variables"].get(var, {}) for var in df.columns}
    header["variables"] = _add_seabird_vocabulary(header["variables"])

    # Convert to xarray
    ds = _convert_sbe_dataframe_to_dataset(df, header)

    # Add cell_method attribute
    for var in ds:
        if var.endswith("_sdev") and var[:-5] in ds:
            ds[var].attrs["cell_method"] = (
                f"scan: standard_deviation (previous {n_scan_per_bottle} scans)"
            # TODO confirm that seabird uses the previous records from this timestamp
        elif var not in ["time", "bottle"]:
            ds[var].attrs["cell_method"] = (
                f"scan: mean (previous {n_scan_per_bottle} scans)"

    if not save_orginal_header:
    return standardize_dataset(ds)

cnv(file_path, encoding='UTF-8', encoding_errors='strict', xml_parsing_error_level='ERROR', generate_instrument_variables=False, save_orginal_header=False)

Parse Seabird CNV format.


Name Type Description Default
file_path str

file path

encoding str

encoding to use. Defaults to "UTF-8".

encoding_errors str

Error handling. Defaults to "strict".

xml_parsing_error_level str

Error level for XML parsing. Defaults to "ERROR".

generate_instrument_variables bool

Generate instrument variables following the IOOS 1.2 standard. Defaults to False.

save_orginal_header bool

Save original header. Defaults to False.



Type Description

xarray.Dataset: Dataset

Source code in ocean_data_parser/parsers/
def cnv(
    file_path: str,
    encoding: str = "UTF-8",
    generate_instrument_variables: bool = False,
    save_orginal_header: bool = False,
) -> xarray.Dataset:
    """Parse Seabird CNV format.

        file_path (str): file path
        encoding (str, optional): encoding to use. Defaults to "UTF-8".
        encoding_errors (str, optional): Error handling. Defaults to "strict".
        xml_parsing_error_level (str, optional): Error level for XML parsing.
            Defaults to "ERROR".
        generate_instrument_variables (bool, optional): Generate instrument
            variables following the IOOS 1.2 standard. Defaults to False.
        save_orginal_header (bool, optional): Save original header. Defaults to False.

        xarray.Dataset: Dataset
    """Import Seabird cnv format as an xarray dataset."""

    with open(file_path, encoding=encoding, errors=encoding_errors) as f:
        header = _parse_seabird_file_header(
            f, xml_parsing_error_level=xml_parsing_error_level
        header["variables"] = _add_seabird_vocabulary(header["variables"])
        df = pd.read_csv(
                var: var_dtypes.get(var, float) for var in header["variables"].keys()
            na_values=["-1.#IO", "-9.99E-29"],

    header = _generate_seabird_cf_history(header)

    ds = _convert_sbe_dataframe_to_dataset(df, header)
    if generate_instrument_variables:
        ds, _ = _generate_instruments_variables_from_xml(ds, header["seabird_header"])
    if not save_orginal_header:
    return standardize_dataset(ds)


Seabird Name long_name units sdn_uom_urn sdn_uom_name instrument comments sdn_parameter_urn sdn_parameter_name bodc_alternative_label definition name standard_name
accM Acceleration m/s^2 SDN:P06::MPS2 Metres per second squared
accF Acceleration ft/s^2
altM Altimeter m SDN:P06::ULAA Metres
altF Altimeter ft
avgsvCM Average Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero] m/s
avgsvCF Average Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero] ft/s
avgsvDM Average Sound Velocity [Delgrosso] m/s
avgsvDF Average Sound Velocity [Delgrosso] ft/s
avgsvWM Average Sound Velocity [Wilson] m/s
avgsvWF Average Sound Velocity [Wilson] ft/s
bat Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre Chelsea/Seatech 1st sensor
bat1 Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech, 2 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre Chelsea/Seatech 2nd sensor
batdiff Beam Attenuation, Chelsea/Seatech/Wet Labs Cstar, Diff, 2 - 1 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre Chelsea/Seatech/WET Labs CStar 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
wetBAttn Beam Attenuation, Wet Labs Ac3 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre WET Labs AC3
CStarAt0 Beam Attenuation, Wet Labs C-Star 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre WET Labs C-Star 1st sensor SDN:P01::ATTNZS01 Attenuation (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body by WET Labs transmissometer and calibration to read zero in clear water RedPWCorr WET Labs transmissometer calibrated to zero in clear water
CStarAt1 Beam Attenuation, Wet Labs C-Star, 2 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre WET Labs C-Star 2nd sensor
CStarAt2 Beam Attenuation, Wet Labs C-Star, 3 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre WET Labs C-Star 3rd sensor
CStarAt3 Beam Attenuation, Wet Labs C-Star, 4 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre WET Labs C-Star 4th sensor
CStarAt4 Beam Attenuation, Wet Labs C-Star, 5 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre WET Labs C-Star 5th sensor
CStarAt5 Beam Attenuation, Wet Labs C-Star, 6 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre WET Labs C-Star 6th sensor
CStarAtDiff Beam Attenuation, Wet Labs C-Star, Diff, 2 - 1 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre WET Labs C-Star 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
xmiss Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent Chelsea/Seatech 1st sensor
xmiss1 Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech, 2 % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent Chelsea/Seatech 2nd sensor
xmissdiff Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech/Wet Labs Cstar, Diff, 2 - 1 % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent Chelsea/Seatech/WET Labs CStar 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
wetBTrans Beam Transmission, Wet Labs Ac3 % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent WET Labs AC3
CStarTr0 Beam Transmission, Wet Labs C-Star % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent WET Labs C-Star 1st sensor
CStarTr1 Beam Transmission, Wet Labs C-Star, 2 % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent WET Labs C-Star 2nd sensor
CStarTr2 Beam Transmission, Wet Labs C-Star, 3 % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent WET Labs C-Star 3rd sensor
CStarTr3 Beam Transmission, Wet Labs C-Star, 4 % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent WET Labs C-Star 4th sensor
CStarTr4 Beam Transmission, Wet Labs C-Star, 5 % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent WET Labs C-Star 5th sensor
CStarTr5 Beam Transmission, Wet Labs C-Star, 6 % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent WET Labs C-Star 6th sensor
CStarTrdiff Beam Transmission, Wet Labs C-Star, Diff, 2 - 1 % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent WET Labs C-Star 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
bottle Bottle Position In Carousel SDN:P01::ROSPOSID Bottle rosette position identifier RosPos The numeric identifer of the physical location where a water bottle is mounted on a CTD rosette
bpos Bottle Position In Carousel SDN:P01::ROSPOSID Bottle rosette position identifier RosPos The numeric identifer of the physical location where a water bottle is mounted on a CTD rosette
HBBotCls Bottles Closed, Hb HB
nbf Bottles Fired
bct Bottom Contact
N Buoyancy cycles/hour Calculated in SBE Data Processing's Buoyancy module
N^2 Buoyancy rad^2/s^2 Calculated in SBE Data Processing's Buoyancy module N2
nbytes Byte Count
cdomflTC0 Cdom, Turner Cyclops ppb QS Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
cdomflTC1 Cdom, Turner Cyclops, 2 ppb QS Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
cdomflTCdiff Cdom, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 ppb QS Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
chloroflTC0 Chlorophyll, Turner Cyclops ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
chloroflTC1 Chlorophyll, Turner Cyclops, 2 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
chloroflTCdiff Chlorophyll, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
c_S/m Conductivity S/m SDN:P06::UECA Siemens per metre 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond c_SPerm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
c0S/m Conductivity S/m SDN:P06::UECA Siemens per metre 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond c0SPerm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
cond0S/m Conductivity S/m SDN:P06::UECA Siemens per metre 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond cond0SPerm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
c_mS/cm Conductivity mS/cm SDN:P06::MSCM MilliSiemens per centimetre 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond c_mSPercm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
c0mS/cm Conductivity mS/cm SDN:P06::MSCM MilliSiemens per centimetre 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond c0mSPercm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
cond0mS/cm Conductivity mS/cm SDN:P06::MSCM MilliSiemens per centimetre 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond cond0mSPercm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
c_uS/cm Conductivity uS/cm 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond c_uSPercm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
c0uS/cm Conductivity uS/cm 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond c0uSPercm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
cond0uS/cm Conductivity uS/cm 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond cond0uSPercm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
c0uS/m Conductivity uS/m 1st sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST01 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD CTDCond c0uSPerm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
c1S/m Conductivity, 2 S/m SDN:P06::UECA Siemens per metre 2nd sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST02 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD (sensor 2) CTDCond2 c1SPerm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
c1mS/cm Conductivity, 2 mS/cm SDN:P06::MSCM MilliSiemens per centimetre 2nd sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST02 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD (sensor 2) CTDCond2 c1mSPercm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
c1uS/cm Conductivity, 2 uS/cm 2nd sensor SDN:P01::CNDCST02 Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD (sensor 2) CTDCond2 c1uSPercm sea_water_electrical_conductivity
C2-C1S/m Conductivity Difference, 2 - 1 S/m SDN:P06::UECA Siemens per metre 2nd sensor - 1st sensor C2-C1SPerm
C2-C1mS/cm Conductivity Difference, 2 - 1 mS/cm SDN:P06::MSCM MilliSiemens per centimetre 2nd sensor - 1st sensor C2-C1mSPercm
C2-C1uS/cm Conductivity Difference, 2 - 1 uS/cm 2nd sensor - 1st sensor C2-C1uSPercm
cpar Cpar/Corrected Irradiance % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent
croilflTC0 Crude Oil, Turner Cyclops ppb QS Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
croilflTC1 Crude Oil, Turner Cyclops, 2 ppb QS Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
croilflTCdiff Crude Oil, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 ppb QS Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
density00 Density [density] kg/m^3 SDN:P06::UKMC Kilograms per cubic metre 1st sensor sea_water_density
sigma-�00 Density [sigma-theta] kg/m^3 SDN:P06::UKMC Kilograms per cubic metre 1st sensor SDN:P01::SIGTPR01 Sigma-theta of the water body by CTD and computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm SigTheta This is the preferred term for this definition. Alternative term SIGTPR02 is included to cover cases where there are two sensors of the same type contributing to the data set and referential integrity considerations prevent a usage of a single code. sigma-theta00 sea_water_sigma_theta
sigma-t00 Density kg/m^3 SDN:P06::UKMC Kilograms per cubic metre 1st sensor SDN:P01::SIGTEQST Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm Sigma-T Computed by UNESCO SVAN function using in-situ temperature sea_water_sigma_t
sigma-100 Density [sigma-1] kg/m^3 1st sensor
sigma-200 Density [sigma-2] kg/m^3 1st sensor
sigma-400 Density [sigma-4] kg/m^3 1st sensor
density11 Density 2 [density] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
sigma-�11 Density, 2 [sigma-theta] kg/m^3 2nd sensor sigma-theta11
sigma-t11 Density 2 [sigma-t] kg/m^3 SDN:P06::UKMC Kilograms per cubic metre 2nd sensor SDN:P01::SIGTEQST Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm Sigma-T Computed by UNESCO SVAN function using in-situ temperature sea_water_sigma_t
sigma-111 Density 2 [sigma-1] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
sigma-211 Density, 2 [sigma-2] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
sigma-411 Density, 2 [sigma-4] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
D2-D1,d Density Difference, 2 - 1 [density] kg/m^3 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
D2-D1 Density Difference, 2 - 1 [sigma-theta] kg/m^3 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
D2-D1,t Density Difference, 2 - 1 [sigma-t] kg/m^3 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
D2-D1,1 Density Difference, 2 - 1 [sigma-1] kg/m^3 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
D2-D1,2 Density Difference, 2 - 1 [sigma-2] kg/m^3 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
D2-D1,4 Density Difference, 2 - 1 [sigma-4] kg/m^3 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
depSM Depth [salt water] m SDN:P06::ULAA Metres SDN:P01::DEPHPR01 Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body by profiling pressure sensor and conversion to seawater depth using UNESCO algorithm CmpDep depth
depSF Depth [salt water] ft SDN:P01::DEPHPR01 Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body by profiling pressure sensor and conversion to seawater depth using UNESCO algorithm CmpDep depth
depFM Depth [fresh water] m depth
depFF Depth [fresh water] ft depth
dNMEA Depth, Nmea [salt water] m SDN:P01::DEPHPR01 Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body by profiling pressure sensor and conversion to seawater depth using UNESCO algorithm CmpDep
dz/dtM Descent Rate m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second dzPerdtM
dz/dtF Descent Rate ft/s dzPerdtF
dm Dynamic Meters 10 J/kg Calculated in SBE Data Processing's Derive module
flag Flag
chConctr Fluorescence, Biospherical Chl Con Biospherical Chl Con Concentration
naFluor Fluorescence, Biospherical Natural Biospherical Natural Natural fluorescence
product Fluorescence, Biospherical Production Biospherical Production Production
flC Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua 3 Chl Con ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Chelsea Aqua 3 Chl Con 1st sensor
flC1 Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua 3 Chl Con, 2 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Chelsea Aqua 3 Chl Con 2nd sensor
flCdiff Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua 3 Chl Con, Diff, 2 - 1 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Chelsea Aqua 3 Chl Con 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
flCM Fluorescence, Chelsea Mini Chl Con ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Chelsea Mini Chl Con
flCUVA Fluorescence, Chelsea Uv Aquatracka ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Chelsea UV Aquatracka 1st sensor
flCUVA1 Fluorescence, Chelsea Uv Aquatracka, 2 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Chelsea UV Aquatracka 2nd sensor
flCUVAdiff Fluorescence, Chelsea Uv Aquatracka, Diff, 2 - 1 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre Chelsea UV Aquatracka 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
haardtC Fluorescence, Dr. Haardt Chlorophyll A Dr. Haardt Chlorophyll a
haardtP Fluorescence, Dr. Haardt Phycoerythrin Dr. Haardt Phycoerythrin
haardtY Fluorescence, Dr. Haardt Yellow Sub Dr. Haardt Yellow Sub
flSP Fluorescence, Seapoint mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre Seapoint 1st sensor SDN:P01::CPHLPR01 Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer chl-a_water_ISfluor In-situ fluorometer with either manufacturer, laboratory or sample calibration applied.
flSP1 Fluorescence, Seapoint, 2 Seapoint 2nd sensor
flSPdiff Fluorescence, Seapoint Diff, 2 - 1 Seapoint Diff 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
flSPR Fluorescence, Seapoint Rhodamine Seapoint Rhodamine
flSPuv0 Fluorescence, Seapoint Ultraviolet SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre Seapoint Ultraviolet 1st sensor SDN:P01::FLUOCDOM Fluorescence of the water body by linear-response CDOM fluorometer Fluor_CDOM This code is under review due to its ambiguity. It is likely to be deprecated at the end of the review period. Please use terms stating 'Concentration of%' for calibrated CDOM fluorometer output or 'Raw signal% of%' for the raw fluorescence signal [updated 30/07/2019]. Definition was: The amount of violet to low ultra-violet radiation generated in the water column in response to high ultra-violet radiation transmission expressed relative to an unspecified baseline using fluorometer designed to detect CDOM, crude oil or UV-fluorescent dyes.
flSPuv1 Fluorescence, Seapoint Ultraviolet, 2 Seapoint Ultraviolet 2nd sensor
flSPuvdiff Fluorescence, Seapoint Ultraviolet, Diff, 2 - 1 Seapoint Ultraviolet 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
flS Fluorescence, Seatech Seatech Sea Tech fluorometer or WET Labs Flash Lamp fluorometer
flT Fluorescence, Turner 10-005 Turner 10-005
flTAu Fluorescence, Turner 10-Au-005 Turner 10-Au-005
flSCC Fluorescence, Turner Cor Chl Turner Cor Chl SCUFA corrected chlorophyll; 1st sensor
flSCC1 Fluorescence, Turner Cor Chl, 2 Turner Cor Chl SCUFA corrected chlorophyll; 2nd sensor
flSCCdiff Fluorescence, Turner Cor Chl, Diff, 2 - 1 Turner Cor Chl SCUFA corrected chlorophyll; 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
flScufa Fluorescence, Turner Scufa [RFU] Turner SCUFA SCUFA chlorophyll; 1st sensor
flScufa1 Fluorescence, Turner Scufa, 2 [RFU] Turner SCUFA SCUFA chlorophyll; 2nd sensor
flScufadiff Fluorescence, Turner Scufa Diff, 2 - 1 [RFU] Turner SCUFA Diff SCUFA chlorophyll; 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
wetChAbs Fluorescence, Wet Labs Ac3 Absorption 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre WET Labs AC3 Absorption
wetCDOM Fluorescence, Wet Labs CDOM mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs CDOM 1st sensor SDN:P01::CCOMD002 Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ WET Labs FDOM ECO fluorometer CDOM_fluor_WETLabs Quantity or mass of the specified analyte in a unit volume of an unfiltered sample of fresh or salt water.
wetCDOM1 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Cdom, 2 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs CDOM 2nd sensor
wetCDOM2 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Cdom, 3 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs CDOM 3rd sensor
wetCDOM3 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Cdom, 4 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs CDOM 4th sensor
wetCDOM4 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Cdom, 5 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs CDOM 5th sensor
wetCDOM5 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Cdom, 6 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs CDOM 6th sensor
wetCDOMdiff Fluorescence, Wet Labs Cdom, Diff, 2 - 1 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs CDOM 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
wetChConc Fluorescence, Wet Labs Chl Con mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs Chl Con WET Labs AC3 chlorophyll
flECO-AFL Fluorescence, Wet Labs Eco-Afl/Fl mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL 1st sensor
flECO-AFL1 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Eco-Afl/Fl, 2 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL 2nd sensor
flECO-AFL2 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Eco-Afl/Fl, 3 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL 3rd sensor
flECO-AFL3 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Eco-Afl/Fl, 4 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL 4th sensor
flECO-AFL4 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Eco-Afl/Fl, 5 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL 5th sensor
flECO-AFL5 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Eco-Afl/Fl, 6 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL 6th sensor
flECO-AFLdiff Fluorescence, Wet Labs Eco-Afl/Fl, Diff, 2 - 1 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
flWETSeaOWLchl0 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Seaowl Chl ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre WET Labs SeaOWL CHL 1st chlorophyll sensor
flWETSeaOWLchl1 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Seaowl Chl, 2 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre WET Labs SeaOWL CHL 2nd chlorophyll sensor
flWETSeaOWLchldiff Fluorescence, Wet Labs Seaowl Chl, Diff, 2 -1 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre WET Labs SeaOWL CHL 2nd - 1st chlorophyll sensor
flWETSeaOWLfdom0 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Seaowl Fdom ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre WET Labs SeaOWL FDOM 1st FDOM sensor
flWETSeaOWLfdom1 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Seaowl Fdom, 2 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre WET Labs SeaOWL FDOM 2nd FDOM sensor
flWETSeaOWLfdomdiff Fluorescence, Wet Labs Seaowl Fdom, Diff, 2 - 1 ug/l SDN:P06::UGPL Micrograms per litre WET Labs SeaOWL FDOM 2nd - 1st FDOM sensor
wetStar Fluorescence, Wet Labs Wetstar mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs WETstar 1st sensor
wetStar1 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Wetstar, 2 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs WETstar 2nd sensor
wetStar2 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Wetstar, 3 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs WETstar 3rd sensor
wetStar3 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Wetstar, 4 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs WETstar 4th sensor
wetStar4 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Wetstar, 5 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs WETstar 5th sensor
wetStar5 Fluorescence, Wet Labs Wetstar, 6 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs WETstar 6th sensor
wetStardiff Fluorescence, Wet Labs Wetstar, Diff, 2 - 1 mg/m^3 SDN:P06::UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre WET Labs WETstar 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
flflTC0 Fluorescein, Turner Cyclops ppb Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
flflTC1 Fluorescein, Turner Cyclops, 2 ppb Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
flflTCdiff Fluorescein, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 ppb Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
f0 Frequency 0 Hz 1st sensor
f1 Frequency 1 Hz 2nd sensor
f2 Frequency 2 Hz 3rd sensor
f3 Frequency 3 Hz 4th sensor
f4 Frequency 4 Hz 5th sensor
f5 Frequency 5 Hz 6th sensor
f6 Frequency 6 Hz 7th sensor
f7 Frequency 7 F6 Hz Hz 8th sensor
f8 Frequency 8 Hz 9th sensor
f9 Frequency 9 Hz 10th sensor
f10 Frequency 10 Hz 11th sensor
f11 Frequency 11 Hz 12th sensor
f12 Frequency 12 Hz 13th sensor
f13 Frequency 13 Hz 14th sensor
f14 Frequency 14 Hz 15th sensor
f15 Frequency 15 Hz 16th sensor
f16 Frequency 16 Hz 17th sensor
f17 Frequency 17 Hz 18th sensor
f18 Frequency 18 Hz 19th sensor
f19 Frequency 19 Hz 20th sensor
f20 Frequency 20 Hz 21st sensor
f21 Frequency 21 Hz 22nd sensor
f22 Frequency 22 Hz 23rd sensor
f23 Frequency 23 Hz 24th sensor
f24 Frequency 24 Hz 25th sensor
f25 Frequency 25 Hz 26th sensor
f26 Frequency 26 Hz 27th sensor
f27 Frequency 27 Hz 28th sensor
f28 Frequency 28 Hz 29th sensor
f29 Frequency 29 Hz 30th sensor
f30 Frequency 30 Hz 31st sensor
f31 Frequency 31 Hz 32nd sensor
f32 Frequency 32 Hz 33rd sensor
f33 Frequency 33 Hz 34th sensor
f34 Frequency 34 Hz 35th sensor
f35 Frequency 35 Hz 36th sensor
f36 Frequency 36 Hz 37th sensor
gpa Geopotential Anomaly J/kg Calculated in SBE Data Processing's Derive module
GTDDOP0 GTD-DO Pressure mb SDN:P06::UPBB Millibars 1st sensor
GTDDOP1 GTD-DO Pressure, 2 mb SDN:P06::UPBB Millibars 2nd sensor
GTDDOPdiff GTD-DO Pressure, Diff, 2 - 1 mb SDN:P06::UPBB Millibars 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
GTDDOT0 GTD-DO Temperature deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 1st sensor
GTDDOT1 GTD-DO Temperature, 2 deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor
GTDDOTdiff GTD-DO Temperature, Diff, 2 - 1 deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
GTDN2P0 GTD-N2 Pressure mb SDN:P06::UPBB Millibars 1st sensor
GTDN2P1 GTD-N2 Pressure, 2 mb SDN:P06::UPBB Millibars 2nd sensor
GTDN2Pdiff GTD-N2 Pressure, Diff, 2 - 1 mb SDN:P06::UPBB Millibars 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
GTDN2T0 GTD-N2 Temperature deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 1st sensor
GTDN2T1 GTD-N2 Temperature, 2 deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor
GTDN2Tdiff GTD-N2 Temperature, Diff, 2 - 1 deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
latitude Latitude degrees_north From NMEA device SDN:P01::ALATZZ01 Latitude north Lat latitude
lisstBC LISST-25A, Beam C 1/m SDN:P06::UPRM per metre Beam C
lisstOT LISST-25A, Optical Transmission % SDN:P06::UPCT Percent
lisstMD LISST-25A, Sauter Mean Diameter u
lisstTVC LISST-25A, Total Volume Conc. ul/l SDN:P06::UUML Microlitres per litre
lisst200X-MD LISST-200X, Sauter Mean Diameter u Microns
lisst200X-TVC LISST-299X, Total Volume Conc ppm SDN:P06::UPPM Parts per million
lisstABS-PC LISST-Abs, Particle Concentration Cu or mg/l Calibration factor = 1.0 Cu else mg/l
longitude Longitude degrees_east From NMEA device SDN:P01::ALONZZ01 Longitude east Lon longitude
meth Methane Conc., Franatech Mets umol/l SDN:P06::UPOX Micromoles per litre Franatech METS
methT Methane Gas Temp., Franatech Mets deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Franatech METS
modError Modulo Error Count
mod Modulo Word
newpos New Position
n2satML/L Nitrogen Saturation ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre n2satMLPerL
n2satMg/L Nitrogen Saturation mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre n2satMgPerL
n2satumol/kg Nitrogen Saturation umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram n2satumolPerkg
obs OBS, Backscatterance (D & A) NTU Backscatterance (D & A) 1st sensor
obs1 OBS, Backscatterance (D & A), 2 NTU Backscatterance (D & A) 2nd sensor
obsdiff OBS, Backscatterance (D & A), Diff, 2 - 1 NTU Backscatterance (D & A) 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
nephc OBS, Chelsea Nephelometer FTU Chelsea Nephelometer
obs3+ OBS, D & A 3Plus NTU D & A 3plus D&A OBS 3+;1st sensor
obs3+1 OBS, D & A 3Plus, 2 NTU D & A 3plus D&A OBS 3+;2nd sensor
obs3+diff OBS, D & A 3Plus, Diff, 2 - 1 NTU D & A 3plus D&A OBS 3+; 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
haardtT OBS, Dr. Haardt Turbidity Dr. Haardt Turbidity
diff OBS, Ifremer IFREMER
stLs6000 OBS, Seatech Ls6000 Seatech LS6000 Sea Tech LS6000 or WET Labs LBSS; 1st sensor
stLs60001 OBS, Seatech Ls6000, 2 Seatech LS6000 Sea Tech LS6000 or WET Labs LBSS; 2nd sensor
stLs6000diff OBS, Seatech Ls6000, Diff, 2 - 1 Seatech LS6000 Sea Tech LS6000 or WET Labs LBSS; 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
obsscufa OBS, Turner Scufa NTU Turner SCUFA 1st sensor
obsscufa1 OBS, Turner Scufa, 2 NTU Turner SCUFA 2nd sensor
obsscufadiff OBS, Turner Scufa, Diff, 2 - 1 NTU Turner SCUFA 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
obrflTC0 Optical Brighteners, Turner Cyclops ppb QS Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
obrflTC1 Optical Brighteners, Turner Cyclops, 2 ppb QS Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
obrflTCdiff Optical Brighteners, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 ppb QS Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
orp Oxidation Reduction Potential mV SDN:P06::UUMV Millivolts
sbeox0V Oxygen Raw, SBE 43 V SDN:P06::UVLT Volts SBE 43 1st sensor SDN:P01::OXYOCPVL Raw signal (voltage) of instrument output by oxygen sensor Oxy_output_V The raw output from a dissolved oxygen sensor such as an SBE43 with output as a voltage related to DO concentration.
sbeox0F Oxygen Raw, SBE 43 Hz SBE 43 1st sensor
sbeox1V Oxygen Raw, SBE 43, 2 V SDN:P06::UVLT Volts SBE 43 2nd sensor The raw output from a secondary dissolved oxygen sensor such as an SBE43 with output as a voltage related to DO concentration.
sbeox1F Oxygen Raw, SBE 43, 2 Hz SBE 43 2nd sensor
sbeox0ML/L Oxygen, SBE 43 ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre SBE 43 1st sensor sbeox0MLPerL volume_fraction_of_oxygen_in_sea_water
sbeox0Mg/L Oxygen, SBE 43 mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre SBE 43 1st sensor sbeox0MgPerL
sbeox0PS Oxygen, SBE 43 % saturation SBE 43 1st sensor
sbeox0Mm/Kg Oxygen, SBE 43 umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram SBE 43 1st sensor sbeox0MmPerKg moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water
sbeox0Mm/L Oxygen, SBE 43 umol/l SDN:P06::UPOX Micromoles per litre SBE 43 1st sensor sbeox0MmPerL mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
sbeox0dOV/dT Oxygen, SBE 43 dov/dt SBE 43 1st sensor sbeox0dOVPerdT
sbeox1ML/L Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre SBE 43 2nd sensor sbeox1MLPerL
sbeox1Mg/L Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre SBE 43 2nd sensor sbeox1MgPerL volume_fraction_of_oxygen_in_sea_water
sbeox1PS Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 % saturation SBE 43 2nd sensor SDN:P01::OXYSSU01 Saturation of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} in the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by Sea-Bird SBE 43 sensor and computation from concentration using Benson and Krause algorithm O2_Sat_SBE43
sbeox1Mm/Kg Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram SBE 43 2nd sensor sbeox1MmPerKg
sbeox1Mm/L Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 umol/l SDN:P06::UPOX Micromoles per litre SBE 43 2nd sensor sbeox1MmPerL
sbeox1dOV/dT Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 dov/dt SBE 43 2nd sensor sbeox1dOVPerdT
sbeox0ML/Ldiff Oxygen, SBE 43, Diff, 2 - 1 ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre SBE 43 2nd sensor - 1st sensor sbeox0MLPerLdiff
sbeox0Mg/Ldiff Oxygen, SBE 43, Diff, 2 - 1 mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre SBE 43 2nd sensor - 1st sensor sbeox0MgPerLdiff
sbeox0PSdiff Oxygen, SBE 43, Diff, 2 - 1 % saturation SBE 43 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
sbeox0Mm/Kgdiff Oxygen, SBE 43, Diff, 2 - 1 umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram SBE 43 2nd sensor - 1st sensor sbeox0MmPerKgdiff
sbeox0Mm/Ldiff Oxygen, SBE 43, Diff, 2 - 1 umol/l SDN:P06::UPOX Micromoles per litre SBE 43 2nd sensor - 1st sensor sbeox0MmPerLdiff
sbeoxpd Oxygen Raw, SBE 63 Phase Delay usec SDN:P06::USEC Microseconds SBE 63 phase delay 1st sensor
sbeoxpdv Oxygen Raw, SBE 63 Phase Delay V SBE 63 phase delay 1st sensor
sbeoxpd1 Oxygen Raw, SBE 63 Phase Delay, 2 usec SDN:P06::USEC Microseconds SBE 63 phase delay 2nd sensor
sbeoxpdv1 Oxygen Raw, SBE 63 Phase Delay, 2 V SBE 63 phase delay 2nd sensor
sbeoxtv Oxygen Raw, SBE 63 Thermistor Voltage V SBE 63 thermistor voltage 1st sensor
sbeoxtv1 Oxygen Raw, SBE 63 Thermistor Voltage, 2 V SBE 63 thermistor voltage 2nd sensor
sbeoxTC Oxygen Temperature, SBE 63 [ITS-90] deg C SBE 63 1st sensor
sbeoxTF Oxygen Temperature, SBE 63 [ITS-90] deg F SBE 63 1st sensor
sbeoxTC1 Oxygen Temperature, SBE 63, 2 [ITS-90] deg C SBE 63 2nd sensor
sbeoxTF1 Oxygen Temperature, SBE 63, 2 [ITS-90] deg F SBE 63 2nd sensor
sbeopoxML/L Oxygen, SBE 63 ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre SBE 63 1st sensor sbeopoxMLPerL
sbeopoxMg/L Oxygen, SBE 63 mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre SBE 63 1st sensor sbeopoxMgPerL
sbeopoxPS Oxygen, SBE 63 % saturation SBE 63 1st sensor
sbeopoxMm/Kg Oxygen, SBE 63 umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram SBE 63 1st sensor sbeopoxMmPerKg
sbeopoxMm/L Oxygen, SBE 63 umol/l SDN:P06::UPOX Micromoles per litre SBE 63 1st sensor sbeopoxMmPerL
sbeopoxML/L1 Oxygen, SBE 63, 2 ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre SBE 63 2nd sensor sbeopoxMLPerL1
sbeopoxMg/L1 Oxygen, SBE 63, 2 mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre SBE 63 2nd sensor sbeopoxMgPerL1
sbeopoxPS1 Oxygen, SBE 63, 2 % saturation SBE 63 2nd sensor
SBEopoxMm/Kg1 Oxygen, SBE 63, 2 umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram SBE 63 2nd sensor SBEopoxMmPerKg1
sbeopoxMm/L1 Oxygen, SBE 63, 2 umol/l SDN:P06::UPOX Micromoles per litre SBE 63 2nd sensor sbeopoxMmPerL1
opoxML/L Oxygen Optode, Aanderaa ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre Aanderaa opoxMLPerL
opoxMg/L Oxygen Optode, Aanderaa mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre Aanderaa opoxMgPerL
opoxPS Oxygen Optode, Aanderaa % saturation Aanderaa
opoxMm/L Oxygen Optode, Aanderaa umol/l SDN:P06::UPOX Micromoles per litre Aanderaa opoxMmPerL
oxC Oxygen Current, Beckman/Ysi uA Beckman/YSI 1st sensor
oxsC Oxygen Current, Beckman/Ysi, 2 uA Beckman/YSI 2nd sensor
oxTC Oxygen Temperature, Beckman/Ysi deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Beckman/YSI 1st sensor
oxTF Oxygen Temperature, Beckman/Ysi deg F Beckman/YSI 1st sensor
oxsTC Oxygen Temperature, Beckman/Ysi, 2 deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Beckman/YSI 2nd sensor
oxsTF Oxygen Temperature, Beckman/Ysi, 2 deg F Beckman/YSI 2nd sensor
oxML/L Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre Beckman/YSI 1st sensor SDN:P01::DOXYSU01 Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by Sea-Bird SBE 43 sensor and no calibration against sample data WC_dissO2_uncalib Sea-Bird SBE 43 oxygen sensor with no field calibration against sample data oxMLPerL volume_fraction_of_oxygen_in_sea_water
oxMg/L Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre Beckman/YSI 1st sensor SDN:P01::DOXYZZXX Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] WC_dissO2 Concentration of dissolved oxygen per unit volume of the water column. Oxygen may be expressed in terms of mass, volume or quantity of substance. oxMgPerL
oxPS Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi % saturation Beckman/YSI 1st sensor
oxMm/Kg Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram Beckman/YSI 1st sensor oxMmPerKg
oxdOC/dT Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi doc/dt Beckman/YSI 1st sensor oxdOCPerdT
oxsML/L Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi, 2 ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre Beckman/YSI 2nd sensor oxsMLPerL
oxsMg/L Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi, 2 mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre Beckman/YSI 2nd sensor oxsMgPerL
oxsPS Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi, 2 % saturation Beckman/YSI 2nd sensor
oxsMm/Kg Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi, 2 umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram Beckman/YSI 2nd sensor oxsMmPerKg
oxsdOC/dT Oxygen, Beckman/Ysi, 2 doc/dt Beckman/YSI 2nd sensor oxsdOCPerdT
iowOxML/L Oxygen, Iow ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre IOW iowOxMLPerL
oxsolML/L Oxygen Saturation, Garcia & Gordon ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre Garcia & Gordon oxsolMLPerL
oxsolMg/L Oxygen Saturation, Garcia & Gordon mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre Garcia & Gordon oxsolMgPerL
oxsolMm/Kg Oxygen Saturation, Garcia & Gordon umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram Garcia & Gordon oxsolMmPerKg
oxsatML/L Oxygen Saturation, Weiss ml/l SDN:P06::UMLL Millilitres per litre Weiss oxsatMLPerL
oxsatMg/L Oxygen Saturation, Weiss mg/l SDN:P06::UMGL Milligrams per litre Weiss oxsatMgPerL
oxsatMm/Kg Oxygen Saturation, Weiss umol/kg SDN:P06::KGUM Micromoles per kilogram Weiss oxsatMmPerKg
par Par/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor µeinsteins/s/m^2 Biospherical/Licor Biospherical, Licor, or Chelsea sensor; 1st sensor SDN:P01::DWIRRXUD Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer SubSurDWVectPAR
par1 Par/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor, 2 Biospherical/Licor Biospherical, Licor, or Chelsea sensor; 2nd sensor
par/log Par/Logarithmic, Satlantic Satlantic parPerlog
ph pH
phInt pH Internal, Seafet SeaFET Satlantic SeaFET pH
phExt pH External, Seafet SeaFET Satlantic SeaFET pH
phycyflTC0 Phycocyanin, Turner Cyclops RFU Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
phycyflTC1 Phycoc Yanin, Turner Cyclops, 2 RFU Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
phycyflTCdiff Phycocyanin, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 RFU Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
phyeryflTC0 Phycoerythrin, Turner Cyclops RFU Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
phyeryflTC1 Phycoerythrin, Turner Cyclops, 2 RFU Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
phyeryflTCdiff Phycoerythrin, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 RFU Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
pla Plume Anomaly
potemp090C Potential Temperature [ITS-90] deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 1st sensor SDN:P01::POTMS601 Potential temperature of the water body by CTD and computation from pressure, salinity and IPTS-68 temperature using UNESCO algorithm Potemp_ipts68 Computed from CTD temperature data calibrated against IPTS-68 scale sea_water_potential_temperature
potemp090F Potential Temperature [ITS-90] deg F 1st sensor
potemp068C Potential Temperature [IPTS-68] deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 1st sensor SDN:P01::POTMS601 Potential temperature of the water body by CTD and computation from pressure, salinity and IPTS-68 temperature using UNESCO algorithm Potemp_ipts68 Computed from CTD temperature data calibrated against IPTS-68 scale sea_water_potential_temperature
potemp068F Potential Temperature [IPTS-68] deg F 1st sensor
potemp190C Potential Temperature, 2 [ITS-90] deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor SDN:P01::POTMS601 Potential temperature of the water body by CTD and computation from pressure, salinity and IPTS-68 temperature using UNESCO algorithm Potemp_ipts68 Computed from CTD temperature data calibrated against IPTS-68 scale sea_water_potential_temperature
potemp190F Potential Temperature, 2 [ITS-90] deg F 2nd sensor
potemp168C Potential Temperature, 2 [IPTS-68] deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor SDN:P01::POTMS601 Potential temperature of the water body by CTD and computation from pressure, salinity and IPTS-68 temperature using UNESCO algorithm Potemp_ipts68 Computed from CTD temperature data calibrated against IPTS-68 scale sea_water_potential_temperature
potemp168F Potential Temperature, 2 [IPTS-68] deg F 2nd sensor
potemp90Cdiff Potential Temperature, Diff, 2 - 1 [ITS-90] deg C 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
potemp90Fdiff Potential Temperature, Diff, 2 - 1 [ITS-90] deg F 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
potemp68Cdiff Potential Temperature, Diff, 2 - 1 [IPTS-68] deg C 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
potemp68Fdiff Potential Temperature, Diff, 2 - 1 [IPTS-68] deg F 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
pta090C Potential Temperature Anomaly [ITS-90] deg C 1st sensor
pta090F Potential Temperature Anomaly [ITS-90] deg F 1st sensor
pta068C Potential Temperature Anomaly [IPTS-68] deg C 1st sensor
pta068F Potential Temperature Anomaly [IPTS-68] deg F 1st sensor
pta190C Potential Temperature Anomaly, 2 [ITS-90] deg C 2nd sensor
pta190F Potential Temperature Anomaly, 2 [ITS-90] deg F 2nd sensor
pta168C Potential Temperature Anomaly, 2 [IPTS-68] deg C 2nd sensor
pta168F Potential Temperature Anomaly, 2 [IPTS-68] deg F 2nd sensor
prM Pressure db SDN:P06::UDBL Decibels User-entry for moored pressure (instrument with no pressure sensor)
prE Pressure psi User-entry for moored pressure (instrument with no pressure sensor)
ptempC Pressure Temperature deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius Temperature measured by pressure sensor
ptempF Pressure Temperature deg F Temperature measured by pressure sensor
prDM Pressure, Digiquartz dbar SDN:P06::UPBL Decibar Digiquartz Digiquartz pressure sensor SDN:P01::PRESPR01 Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level Pres_Z The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a mobile sensor located in the water column. sea_water_pressure
prdM Pressure, Strain Gauge db SDN:P06::UDBL Decibels Strain Gauge strain-gauge pressure sensor SDN:P01::PRESPR01 Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level Pres_Z The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a mobile sensor located in the water column. sea_water_pressure
prDE Pressure, Digiquartz psi Digiquartz Digiquartz pressure sensor SDN:P01::PRESPR01 Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level Pres_Z The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a mobile sensor located in the water column. sea_water_pressure
prdE Pressure, Strain Gauge psi Strain Gauge strain-gauge pressure sensor SDN:P01::PRESPR01 Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level Pres_Z The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a mobile sensor located in the water column. sea_water_pressure
fgp0 Pressure, FGP KPa SDN:P06::KIPA Kilopascals FGP 1st FGP pressure sensor
fgp1 Pressure, FGP, 2 KPa SDN:P06::KIPA Kilopascals FGP 2nd FGP pressure sensor
fgp2 Pressure, FGP, 3 KPa SDN:P06::KIPA Kilopascals FGP 3rd FGP pressure sensor
fgp3 Pressure, FGP, 4 KPa SDN:P06::KIPA Kilopascals FGP 4th FGP pressure sensor
fgp4 Pressure, FGP, 5 KPa SDN:P06::KIPA Kilopascals FGP 5th FGP pressure sensor
fgp5 Pressure, FGP, 6 KPa SDN:P06::KIPA Kilopascals FGP 6th FGP pressure sensor
fgp6 Pressure, FGP, 7 KPa SDN:P06::KIPA Kilopascals FGP 7th FGP pressure sensor
fgp7 Pressure, FGP, 8 KPa SDN:P06::KIPA Kilopascals FGP 8th FGP pressure sensor
pr50M Pressure, SBE 50 db SDN:P06::UDBL Decibels SBE 50 1st SBE 50 pressure sensor
pr50E Pressure, SBE 50 psi SBE 50 1st SBE 50 pressure sensor
pr50M1 Pressure, SBE 50, 2 db SDN:P06::UDBL Decibels SBE 50 2nd SBE 50 pressure sensor
pr50E1 Pressure, SBE 50, 2 psi SBE 50 2nd SBE 50 pressure sensor
prSM Pressure, Strain Gauge db SDN:P06::UDBL Decibels Strain Gauge strain-gauge pressure sensor
prSE Pressure, Strain Gauge psi Strain Gauge strain-gauge pressure sensor
pumps Pump Status
rfuels0 Refined Fuels, Turner Cyclops ppb NS Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
rfuels1 Refined Fuels, Turner Cyclops, 2 ppb NS Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
rfuelsdiff Refined Fuels, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 ppb NS Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
rhodflTC0 Rhodamine, Turner Cyclops ppb Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
rhodflTC1 Rhodamine, Turner Cyclops, 2 ppb Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
rhodflTCdiff Rhodamine, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 ppb Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
wl0 RS-232 Wet Labs Raw Counts 0 Counts SDN:P06::UCNT Counts 1st sensor
wl1 RS-232 Wet Labs Raw Counts 1 Counts SDN:P06::UCNT Counts 2nd sensor
wl2 RS-232 Wet Labs Raw Counts 2 Counts SDN:P06::UCNT Counts 3rd sensor
wl3 RS-232 Wet Labs Raw Counts 3 Counts SDN:P06::UCNT Counts 4th sensor
wl4 RS-232 Wet Labs Raw Counts 4 Counts SDN:P06::UCNT Counts 5th sensor
wl5 RS-232 Wet Labs Raw Counts 5 Counts SDN:P06::UCNT Counts 6th sensor
sal00 Salinity, Practical PSU 1st sensor SDN:P01::PSALST01 Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm P_sal_CTD This is the preferred term for this definition. Alternative term PSALST02 is included to cover cases where there are two sensors of the same type contributing to the data set and referential integrity considerations prevent a usage of a single code. sea_water_practical_salinity
sal_ Salinity, Practical PSU 1st sensor
sal11 Salinity, Practical, 2 PSU 2nd sensor SDN:P01::PSALST02 Practical salinity of the water body by CTD (second sensor) and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm P_sal_CTD2 This is the alternative term for this definition. Only use to cover cases where there are two sensors of the same type contributing to the data set and referential integrity considerations prevent a usage of a single code. sea_water_practical_salinity
secS-priS Salinity, Practical, Difference, 2 - 1 PSU 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
scan Scan Count
nbin Scans Per Bin Calculated in SBE Data Processing's Bin Average module
sfdSM Seafloor Depth [salt water] m
sfdSF Seafloor Depth [salt water] ft
sfdFM Seafloor Depth [fresh water] m
sfdFF Seafloor Depth [fresh water] ft
svCM Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero] m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 1st sensor SDN:P01::SVELCA01 Sound velocity in the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm Cmpval The rate at which sound travels through the water column computed from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm speed_of_sound_in_sea_water
svCF Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero] ft/s 1st sensor
svDM Sound Velocity [Delgrosso] m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 1st sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT01 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm CTD_Sound_Vel Computed value from CTD temperature and salinity data
svDF Sound Velocity [Delgrosso] ft/s 1st sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT01 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm
svWM Sound Velocity [Wilson] m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 1st sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT01 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm CTD_Sound_Vel Computed value from CTD temperature and salinity data
svWF Sound Velocity [Wilson] ft/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 1st sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT01 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm
svCM1 Sound Velocity, 2 [Chen-Millero] m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 2nd sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT02 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm
svCF1 Sound Velocity, 2 [Chen-Millero] ft/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 2nd sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT02 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm
svDM1 Sound Velocity, 2 [Delgrosso] m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 2nd sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT02 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm
svDF1 Sound Velocity, 2 [Delgrosso] ft/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 2nd sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT02 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm
svWM1 Sound Velocity, 2 [Wilson] m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 2nd sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT02 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm
svWF1 Sound Velocity, 2 [Wilson] ft/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 2nd sensor SDN:P01::SVELCT02 Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm
iowSv Sound Velocity, Iow m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second IOW IOW sound velocity sensor
sbeSv-iowSv Sound Velocity Diff, SBE - Iow m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second SBE - IOW SBE CTD - IOW SV sensor
spar Spar/Surface Irradiance Biospherical or Licor sensor
spar/sat/lin Spar/Linear, Satlantic Satlantic sparPersatPerlin
spar/sat/log Spar/Logarithmic, Satlantic Satlantic sparPersatPerlog
par/sat/log PAR/Logarithmic, Satlantic umol photons/m^2/sec parPersatPerlog
specc Specific Conductance uS/cm
speccumhoscm Specific Conductance umhos/cm
speccmsm Specific Conductance mS/cm SDN:P06::MSCM MilliSiemens per centimetre
speccmmhoscm Specific Conductance mmhos/cm
sva Specific Volume Anomaly 10^-8 * m^3/kg
E Stability rad^2/m Calculated in SBE Data Processing's Buoyancy module
E10^-8 Stability 10^-8 * rad^2/m Calculated in SBE Data Processing's Buoyancy module
t090C Temperature [ITS-90] deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 1st sensor SDN:P01::TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD CTDTmp90 sea_water_temperature
t4990C Temperature [ITS-90] deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 1st sensor SDN:P01::TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD CTDTmp90 sea_water_temperature
tnc90C Temperature [ITS-90] deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 1st sensor SDN:P01::TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD CTDTmp90 sea_water_temperature
tv290C Temperature [ITS-90] deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 1st sensor SDN:P01::TEMPS901 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD CTDTmp90 sea_water_temperature
t090F Temperature [ITS-90] deg F 1st sensor
t4990F Temperature [ITS-90] deg F 1st sensor
tnc90F Temperature [ITS-90] deg F 1st sensor
tv290F Temperature [ITS-90] deg F 1st sensor
t068C Temperature [IPTS-68] deg C 1st sensor
t4968C Temperature [IPTS-68] deg C 1st sensor
tnc68C Temperature [IPTS-68] deg C 1st sensor
tv268C Temperature [IPTS-68] deg C 1st sensor
t068F Temperature [IPTS-68] deg F 1st sensor
t4968F Temperature [IPTS-68] deg F 1st sensor
tnc68F Temperature [IPTS-68] deg F 1st sensor
tv268F Temperature [IPTS-68] deg F 1st sensor
t190C Temperature, 2 deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor SDN:P01::TEMPS902 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD (second sensor) CTDTmp90_2 sea_water_temperature
tnc290C Temperature, 2 [ITS-90] deg C SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor SDN:P01::TEMPS902 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD (second sensor) CTDTmp90_2 sea_water_temperature
t190F Temperature, 2 [ITS-90] deg F SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor SDN:P01::TEMPS902 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD (second sensor) CTDTmp90_2 sea_water_temperature
tnc290F Temperature, 2 [ITS-90] deg F SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius 2nd sensor SDN:P01::TEMPS902 Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD (second sensor) CTDTmp90_2 sea_water_temperature
t168C Temperature, 2 [IPTS-68] deg C 2nd sensor
tnc268C Temperature, 2 [IPTS-68] deg C 2nd sensor
t168F Temperature, 2 [IPTS-68] deg F 2nd sensor
tnc268F Temperature, 2 [IPTS-68] deg F 2nd sensor
T2-T190C Temperature Difference, 2 - 1 [ITS-90] deg C 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
T2-T190F Temperature Difference, 2 - 1 [ITS-90] deg F 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
T2-T168C Temperature Difference, 2 - 1 [IPTS-68] deg C 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
T2-T168F Temperature Difference, 2 - 1 [IPTS-68] deg F 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
t3890C Temperature, SBE 38 [ITS-90] deg C SBE 38 1st sensor
t38_90C Temperature, SBE 38 [ITS-90] deg C SBE 38 1st sensor
t3890F Temperature, SBE 38 [ITS-90] deg F SBE 38 1st sensor
t38_90F Temperature, SBE 38 [ITS-90] deg F SBE 38 1st sensor
t3868C Temperature, SBE 38 [IPTS-68] deg C SBE 38 1st sensor
t38_68C Temperature, SBE 38 [IPTS-68] deg C SBE 38 1st sensor
t3868F Temperature, SBE 38 [IPTS-68] deg F SBE 38 1st sensor
t38_68F Temperature, SBE 38 [IPTS-68] deg F SBE 38 1st sensor
t3890C1 Temperature, SBE 38, 2 [ITS-90] deg C SBE 38 2nd sensor
t3890F1 Temperature, SBE 38, 2 [ITS-90] deg F SBE 38 2nd sensor
t3868C1 Temperature, SBE 38, 2 [IPTS-68] deg C SBE 38 2nd sensor
t3868F1 Temperature, SBE 38, 2 [IPTS-68] deg F SBE 38 2nd sensor
tsa Thermosteric Anomaly 10^-8 * m^3/kg
timeS Time, Elapsed seconds SDN:P06::UTBB Seconds Elapsed time (seconds) based on first scan in data file and sample rate (profiling) or sample interval (moorings); sample rate is defined by configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file.
timeM Time, Elapsed minutes SDN:P06::UMIN Minutes Elapsed time (minutes) based on first scan in data file and sample rate (profiling) or sample interval (moorings); sample rate or interval is as defined by configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file.
timeH Time, Elapsed hours SDN:P06::UHOR Hours Elapsed time (hours) based on first scan in data file and sample rate (profiling) or sample interval (moorings); sample rate or interval is as defined by configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file.
timeJ Julian Days julian days Elapsed time (Julian days) based on first scan in data file and sample rate (profiling) or sample interval (moorings); sample rate or interval is as defined by configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file.
timeN Time, Nmea seconds SDN:P06::UTBB Seconds From NMEA device: Seconds since January 1, 1970; only for SBE 45
timeQ Time, Nmea seconds SDN:P06::UTBB Seconds From NMEA device: Seconds since January 1, 2000; everything but SBE 45
timeK Time, Instrument seconds SDN:P06::UTBB Seconds Seconds since January 1, 2000, based on time stamp in 16plus V2 or 19plus V2 (in moored mode).
timeJV2 Time, Instrument julian days Julian days, based on time stamp in 16plus V2 or 19plus V2 (in moored mode).
timeSCP Time, Seacat Plus julian days Seacat plus Julian days, based on time stamp in 16plus or 19plus (in moored mode). Not applicable to V2 versions.
timeY Time, System seconds SDN:P06::UTBB Seconds Computer time (seconds) since January 1, 1970, appended by Seasave V7 if 'Scan time added' selected in configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file.
seaTurbMtr Turbidity, Seapoint FTU Seapoint 1st sensor
seaTurbMtr1 Turbidity, Seapoint, 2 FTU Seapoint 2nd sensor
seaTurbMtrdiff Turbidity, Seapoint, Diff, 2 - 1 FTU Seapoint 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
turbflTC0 Turbidity, Turner Cyclops NTU Turner Cyclops 1st sensor
turbflTC1 Turbidity, Turner Cyclops, 2 NTU Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor
turbflTCdiff Turbidity, Turner Cyclops, Diff, 2 - 1 NTU Turner Cyclops 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
turbWETbb0 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco Bb m^-1/sr SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian WET Labs ECO BB 1st sensor
turbWETbb1 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco Bb, 2 m^-1/sr SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian WET Labs ECO BB 2nd sensor
turbWETbb2 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco Bb, 3 m^-1/sr SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian WET Labs ECO BB 3rd sensor
turbWETbb3 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco Bb, 4 m^-1/sr SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian WET Labs ECO BB 4th sensor
turbWETbb4 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco Bb, 5 m^-1/sr SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian WET Labs ECO BB 5th sensor
turbWETbbdiff Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco Bb, Diff, 2 - 1 m^-1/sr SDN:P06::PMSR per metre per steradian WET Labs ECO BB 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
turbWETntu0 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco NTU WET Labs ECO 1st sensor
turbWETntu1 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco, 2 NTU WET Labs ECO 2nd sensor
turbWETntu2 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco, 3 NTU WET Labs ECO 3rd sensor
turbWETntu3 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco, 4 NTU WET Labs ECO 4th sensor
turbWETntu4 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco, 5 NTU WET Labs ECO 5th sensor
turbWETntu5 Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco, 6 NTU WET Labs ECO 6th sensor
turbWETntudiff Turbidity, Wet Labs Eco, Diff, 2 - 1 NTU WET Labs ECO 2nd sensor - 1st sensor
turbWET Turbidity, Wet Labs Seaowl Bb m-1sr -1 WET Labs SeaOWL BB 1st turbidity sensor
turbWET Turbidity, Wet Labs Seaowl Bb, 2 m-1sr -1 WET Labs SeaOWL BB 2nd turbidity sensor
turbWET Turbidity, Wet Labs Seaowl Bb, 2 - 1 m-1sr -1 WET Labs SeaOWL BB 2nd - 1st turbidity sensor
user1 User Defined Variable 1st sensor; user selects variable name for file imported to ASCII In
user2 User Defined Variable, 2 2nd sensor; user selects variable name for file imported to ASCII In
user3 User Defined Variable, 3 3rd sensor; user selects variable name for file imported to ASCII In
user4 User Defined Variable, 4 4th sensor; user selects variable name for file imported to ASCII In
user5 User Defined Variable, 5 5th sensor; user selects variable name for file imported to ASCII In
uexpo0 User Exponential 1st user exponential sensor
uexpo1 User Exponential, 2 2nd user exponential sensor
uexpo2 User Exponential, 3 3rd user exponential sensor
upoly0 User Polynomial 1st user polynomial sensor
upoly1 User Polynomial, 2 2nd user polynomial sensor
upoly2 User Polynomial, 3 3rd user polynomial sensor
v0 Voltage 0 V 1st voltage sensor
v1 Voltage 1 V 2nd voltage sensor
v2 Voltage 2 V 3rd voltage sensor
v3 Voltage 3 V 4th voltage sensor
v4 Voltage 4 V 5th voltage sensor
v5 Voltage 5 V 6th voltage sensor
v6 Voltage 6 V SDN:P06::UVLT Volts 7th voltage sensor
v7 Voltage 7 V 8th voltage sensor
v8 Voltage 8 V 9th voltage sensor
v9 Voltage 9 V 10th voltage sensor
v10 Voltage 10 V 11th voltage sensor
v11 Voltage 11 V 12th voltage sensor
v12 Voltage 12 V 13th voltage sensor
v13 Voltage 13 V 14th voltage sensor
v14 Voltage 14 V 15th voltage sensor
v15 Voltage 15 V 16th voltage sensor
zaps Zaps nmol
gsw_saA0 Absolute Salinity g/kg SDN:P06::UGKG Grams per kilogram 1st sensor
gsw_saA1 Absolute Salinity, 2 g/kg SDN:P06::UGKG Grams per kilogram 2nd sensor
gsw_deltasaA0 Absolute Salinity Anomaly g/kg SDN:P06::UGKG Grams per kilogram 1st sensor
gsw_deltasaA1 Absolute Salinity Anomaly, 2 g/kg SDN:P06::UGKG Grams per kilogram 2nd sensor
gsw_adlr0A Adiabatic Lapse Rate K/Pa 1st sensor
gsw_adlr1A Adiabatic Lapse Rate, 2 K/Pa 2nd sensor
gsw_ctA0 Conservative Temperature [TS-90] deg C 1st sensor
gsw_ctA1 Conservative Temperature, 2 [ITS-90] deg C 2nd sensor
gsw_ctfA0 Conservative Temperature Freezing [ITS-90] deg C 1st sensor
gsw_ctfA1 Conservative Temperature Freezing, 2 [ITS-90] deg C 2nd sensor
gsw_densityA0 Density, Teos-10 [density] kg/m^3 1st sensor
gsw_sigma0A0 Density, Teos-10 [sigma-0] kg/m^3 1st sensor
gsw_sigma1A0 Density, Teos-10 [sigma-1] kg/m^3 1st sensor
gsw_sigma2A0 Density, Teos-10 [sigma-2] kg/m^3 1st sensor
gsw_sigma3A0 Density, Teos-10 [sigma-3] kg/m^3 1st sensor
gsw_sigma4A0 Density, Teos-10 [sigma-4] kg/m^3 1st sensor
gsw_densityA1 Density, Teos-10, 2 [density] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
gsw_sigma0A1 Density, Teos-10, 2 [sigma-0] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
gsw_sigma1A1 Density, Teos-10, 2 [sigma-1] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
gsw_sigma2A1 Density, Teos-10, 2 [sigma-2] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
gsw_sigma3A1 Density, Teos-10, 2 [sigma-3] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
gsw_sigma4A1 Density, Teos-10, 2 [sigma-4] kg/m^3 2nd sensor
gsw_dynenthA0 Dynamic Enthalpy J/kg 1st sensor
gsw_dynenthA1 Dynamic Enthalpy, 2 J/kg 2nd sensor
gsw_enthalpyA0 Enthalpy J/kg 1st sensor
gsw_enthalpyA1 Enthalpy, 2 J/kg 2nd sensor
gsw_entropyA0 Entropy J/kg/K 1st sensor
gsw_entropyA1 Entropy, 2 J/kg/K 2nd sensor
gsw_gravA Gravity m/s^2 SDN:P06::MPS2 Metres per second squared
gsw_ieA0 Internal Energy J/kg 1st sensor
gsw_ieA1 Internal Energy, 2 J/kg 2nd sensor
gsw_icA0 Isentropic Compressibility 1/Pa 1st sensor
gsw_icA1 Isentropic Compressibility, 2 1/Pa 2nd sensor
gsw_lheA0 Latent Heat Of Evaporation J/kg 1st sensor
gsw_lheA1 Latent Heat Of Evaporation, 2 J/kg 2nd sensor
gsw_lhmA0 Latent Heat Of Melting J/kg 1st sensor
gsw_lhmA1 Latent Heat Of Melting, 2 J/kg 2nd sensor
gsw_ptA0 Potential Temperature [ITS-90] deg C 1st sensor
gsw_ptA1 Potential Temperature, 2 [ITS-90] deg C 2nd sensor
gsw_sstarA0 Preformed Salinity g/kg SDN:P06::UGKG Grams per kilogram 1st sensor
gsw_sstarA1 Preformed Salinity, 2 g/kg SDN:P06::UGKG Grams per kilogram 2nd sensor
gsw_srA0 Reference Salinity g/kg SDN:P06::UGKG Grams per kilogram 1st sensor
gsw_srA1 Reference Salinity, 2 g/kg SDN:P06::UGKG Grams per kilogram 2nd sensor
gsw_betaA0 Saline Contraction Coefficient kg/g 1st sensor
gsw_betaA1 Saline Contraction Coefficient, 2 kg/g 2nd sensor
gsw_ssA0 Sound Speed, Teos-10 m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 1st sensor
gsw_ssA1 Sound Speed, Teos-10, 2 m/s SDN:P06::UVAA Metres per second 2nd sensor
gsw_specvolA0 Specific Volume, Teos-10 m^3/kg 1st sensor
gsw_specvolA1 Specific Volume, Teos-10, 2 m^3/kg 2nd sensor
gsw_svolanomA0 Specific Volume Anomaly, Teos-10 m^3/kg 1st sensor
gsw_svolanomA1 Specific Volume Anomaly, Teos-10, 2 m^3/kg 2nd sensor
gsw_tfA0 Temperature Freezing [ITS-90] deg C 1st sensor
gsw_tfA1 Temperature Freezing, 2 [ITS-90] deg C 2nd sensor
gsw_alphaA0 Thermal Expansion Coefficient 1/K 1st sensor
gsw_alphaA1 Thermal Expansion Coefficient, 2 1/K 2nd sensor
t090C_sdev SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius SDN:P01::TEMPSD01 Temperature (ITS-90) standard deviation of the water body Temp_ITS90_StdDev The square root of the average of the squares of deviations about the mean of a set of values of the specified measurement.
t190C_sdev SDN:P06::UPAA Degrees Celsius SDN:P01::TEMPSD02 Temperature (ITS-90) standard deviation of the water body by second sensor Temp_ITS90_StdDev_Sensor2 The square root of the average of the squares of deviations about the mean of a set of values of the specified measurement.
time Time time